14: If your dad's a cop, tell him

Start from the beginning

"Anything to drink?" Mason mumbled, his façade was back on.

How did he do that? He was just panicking a few minutes before and now he was calm and collected. Fucking wizard.

"Diet coke," my mom smiled and kicked my dad under the table when he refused to look at Mason.

"Coke," he grumbled.

"Same," I nodded and Mason handed off the menu's before taking off.

"I don't want you hanging out with that boy," my dad stated and opened the menu.

"What?" I let out. I mean, I wasn't planning to hang out with him after what happened, but it was still way out of place to ban me from being friends with someone!

"Honey. . ." My mom trailed off warningly.

"He's trouble, Ellie!" He exclaimed, "he's going to ruin our daughter."

My mother arched a brow but didn't take her eyes off the menu. "From what I remember, you weren't such a good influence either, Parker, and I turned out just fine," she defended.

"But that's different."

I rolled my eyes and slumped in my seat.

"You can't ban our daughter from hanging out with someone unless she's in danger, and Mason seems like a really nice boy."

"He broke my nose," my dad grumbled angrily and crossed his arms.

"Here are your drinks," Mason came back with the drinks and flipped open a small notebook, "what can I get you started with tonight."

"I'd like some tacos," my dad grumbled, not bothering to take a look at the menu.

Oh, shit was about to go down.

"We don't serve tacos, Officer Collin—"

He stood up abruptly and looked around in annoyance. "This is fucking bullshit, we're leaving."

My mom threw an apologetic look at Mason before stomping angrily after my dad. He was probably sleeping on the couch tonight.

"I think that went pretty well," Mason nodded his head as he stuffed the notepad into his apron.

I chuckled but shook my head slowly. "Yeah, sorry about that."

I watched as the corners of his lips pulled up into a smile and he shrugged. "See you in school."


"Why did you two stop talking?" Richard sat next to me in Anatomy and pouted, "did my plan not work?"

I wasn't supposed to be talking to him.

I looked around and failed to spot Mason. Oh, well, he wasn't here to see it.

Wait a fucking minute, Mason didn't pay any bills what the fuck am I over here listening him for. He can suck it, I can talk to whoever I want.

"Maybe you've taken interest in some other boy," he winked after a prolonged amount of silence. I gave him a look.

"Mason told me about Jessica," I blurted out, "and how you always want his leftovers."

Richard's smug smile fell and his forehead puckered.

"And that's why you think I'm talking to you?"

I didn't answer. To be fair, it kind of looked that way. Why would Richard talk to me now out of nowhere after I became friends with Mason?

"That's not the reason I'm talking to you, Morgan. But I get it, you're worried for your well-being, I'll leave you alone if—"

"Why would I be worried for my well-being?" I cut off, scrunching up my nose in confusion.

"Because of what happened to Jessica," Richard trailed off slowly.

"Mason told me that she stepped on the frozen lake after you left to go get some blankets," I clarified and watched as he started shaking his head.

"Morgan, Mason pushed Jessica into the lake after finding out she was cheating on him."

Author's Note

Was Mason lying? Or is Richard lying?


Leaveee me a fucking comment because I am very, very lonely.

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