I snorted quietly, throwing my hand over my nose and mouth.

Uh-oh... Please tell me he didn't-

He froze mid-step. "You think this is funny?"

I turned my head skightly to him, my face red from trying not to laugh.

"...No?" I choked, shaking my head very slowly.

He narrowed his eye at me.

"You realize this means war," he stated.

MY eyes widened.

He is SO gonna win....

"Um... I'll just go... meet Gerilynn!" I squeaked, dashing out the room, or, trying to...

He caught me around the waist before I reached the door.

"I think you need another shower," he said, hauling me to the bathroom.

I clawed at the walls with my hands, putting my feet aginst the door frame. "I'm good, really!"

"No, no, no. I would hate for you to get fleas," he pressed, tickling my side with his free hand to get me to curl up so he could get me through the door.

"Where is Shira when I need her!" I gasped exasperatedly through my giggles.

"Probably reminiscing with Gia. Aha!" He finally succeeded in shoving me into the shower, turning on the faucet to cold.

I smirked as the water went everywhere but me.

"Okay then," he growled, now completely soaked. He lunged forward after me, wrapping his arms around me to give me a sopping wet bear hug.

"NO!" I squealed, giggling madly. "Le GASP! MY HAIR!" I shouted dramatically, fake fainting.

"We both know you don't care about your hair," he said, shaking his own and spraying me with even more water.

"Hold on, let me refraise. Le GASP! My clothes!"

"Much better," he agreed, stepping aside to let me escape. "You are free to go."

I poted, and got on all fours, shaking the water off of me like a dog. "Ah.." I got up, and skipped out, a confused Kakashi being left behind.

"...Okay then... Close the door behind you, Cat-Dog," the shinobi called after me, shedding his shirt.

"Ew! Blood!" I squealed, slamming the door closed and running into the living room, shivering in disgust.

Kakashi guffawed before the shower came on again, blocking out his voice.

I crinkled my nose, and turned the water to ice cold, taking revenge for the blood trick.

"YEARGH!!!"  I heard a loud thump, and then something slammed against the bathroom door.

"...Well that didn't sound good," I muttered to myself.

"Mother of God, that was cold," his muffled voice came through the door. "You're just making things worse for yourself later on, you know that, right?"

I rubbed my neck nervously... "Oops..."

"Hmph." I heard him turn the shower off, and five minutes later he re-emerged, wearing his usual clothing. "I've decided that I was wet enough earlier that an actual shower was unnecessary."

I shrugged innocently. I walked back to my pack, pulling out my vest.

I wrinkled my nose.

She told me that stain was... What was it? Damn it. She did something to my mind...

He saved me (A Kakashi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now