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Castiel:I assure you me and Dean are not....dating.

Anti falls off the bed laughing:Yeah and im strictly straight,admit it cas you want a slice of Dean pie.

Castiel makes a please don't tell me you're serious face and crosses his arms:I don't....want any of deans ...pie....and besides I know you aren't talking about the food...but if you were Dean would kill me even if I looked at one of his pies.

Dark sighs:You two are idiots,but seriously even I can tell you're as  straight as a right turn when it comes to Dean.

Castiel shakes his head:Dean is straight.

Anti:Sure and im Jesus.

Castiel:What...but you..aren't...Jesus...


Sam glances over at Dean when Dean makes a noise in his sleep, but he chooses to ignore it.

Deans dream*Uh...cas, W..why are you so close to me right now?*

Sam gets worried and throws his book at Dean, as to not be in the line of fire when her wakes, Dean shoots up aiming his gun but relaxes.

Dean:What the hell Sam?

Sam:You were making noises and stuff, besides I figured something out, of these alters arent killing people maybe they could...help us?

Dean:You want to work with the demons?

Sam:Yeah why not dean, we've worked with demons before, I mean its worth a shot.

Dean rubs his face with his hand and sighs:Alright fine, lets go ask them then.

Sam nods and gets off the bed Dean following suit after him as they head to the room.

Castiel looks to the door when sam and dean both enter the room through it.

Sam:We want to ask you two for help, in finding out who is killing people.

Dark makes a face:And why should we help you?

Dean:Because if you don't I will personally screw up your day.

Dark rolls his eyes:Please, that might scare The normal demons you deal with, but you have no idea, what I'm capable of.

Dean makes a face but then frowns:Sam would normal demon stuff work on these two?

Sam:Um...either one of you want to volunteer, to see if you're immune?

Anti jumps up happily:I will, I'm cool with pain.

Dark:Pain slut.

Dark mutters.Anti growls and darks hair catches fire.Dark grumbles it going out.

Sam makes a face, but takes anti's wrist he takes out the demon Blade slicing across anti's wrist with it, nothing happens like normal, normal blood seeps out of the wound before it heals and is gone.

Sam:Well..maybe it's just that, I'm sure they aren't invincible to everything Dean.

Dean clearly gets fidgety.

Anti gets bored sitting in the chair in the demons trap, he gets up and walks out of it.

Anti:Sorry but, it doesn't work, and i aint a fan of Latin either, but more so because it bores me to death.You wanna kill me force me to hear that for eternity.

Sam makes a face:Are you always so obnoxious?

Anti:Only all the time.

Anti gives him a playful smirk which annoys sam more who splashes him with holy water, Anti makes a face now, and gives sam the most annoyed bitch face ever.Sam gives him a sorry look and places the holy water down backing up to go check some other things.

Dean:Ugh Sam clearly nothing is going to work, they aren't like the normal demons we've handled okay, they are different, they are part human or something.

Anti floats slightly laying on his back in the air making small explosions out if thin air.

Sam:Uh Yeah...I think you're right.

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