Chapter 18

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" What?!" he asked.

"Elizabeth!" his mom yelled. " I don't want that girl in my house!"

He looked at El. She was frozen with her mouth slightly open in shock.

"Mom. " he said calmly ." Its ok, she's fine. What's wrong ?!"

"WRONG?!" she yelled again this time at him." Her mother fired me for no reason, then we went bankrupt for 10 years!!! We lost everything Jaden! We were basically homeless!"

He was quiet for a second. "Mom, just because you don't like her mom doesn't mean you can't like El. Come on, give her a chance." he insisted.

"No!" she said. " Get her out of my house! And I don't want her to be with you at all ! You get that ?!" She asked him.

He blinked and looked at El. She was watching him with fresh tears in her eyes.

He looked back at him mom and nodded.

After he did , he heard El gasp.

He looked down and her and pulled her out the doorway and shut the door.

They stared at each other.

"I'll.....see you later." he said. "I promise I'll find a way." he whispered squeezing her hand .

Her eyes filled up but her tears didn't drop as she nodded.

He gave her a gentle hug before walking inside.

He watched through the window until she was gone.

Once he was back into the kitchen, his

mom started talking to him. " Her? Out of all young women you pick her? Jesus Jaden! Why can't you find a normal woman?"

He clenched his jaw. "There is nothing wrong with her." He said quietly.

"I don't like her." she said shaking her head.

"I DON'T CARE!" He exploded then realized how loud he was and lowered his voice."I don't care what you like mom. I like her. No actually , I might even be in love with her. That's all that matters to me. " he said staring at his mom .

He threw down the kitchen towel and walked out the door while his mom was screaming at him.



I knew it. I knew it was to good to be true.

Why did she have to be his mom?!I thought to myself. And then another round of sobbing continued.

I stopped at a gas station and got an ice tea and a small salad. I ate slowly in my car because I had no where else to go.

I drove around the city and decided to go to the mall. By myself.

Twenty minutes after, I was looking at shoes in Hollister, I got a call.

"Hello?" I asked into the receiver.

"Hello. Is this Elizabeth Maddox?" The person on the other line.

"Yea.." I said.

"This is Dr. Evans, we couldn't reach your mother, but your brother Matthew and father are in the ICU right now and in critical condition.Your relatives got in a car accident with a drunk teen. We suggest you come over soon. We don't know if they'll make it. " He said.

A/N- Sorry for taking really long when I've updated. I've been really busy and have a lot going on. I hope you'd forgive me with my second update today :)

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