Chapter 2

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I’m in awe when I step into our compartment, which is full of luxuries that I’ve only dreamed of having: heaps of food, three bedrooms, an elegant bathroom, and a load of plush seats.

After I’m done exploring, Beetee asks Cameron and me to join him on a couch.

“If you didn’t already know,” he says, “I’m Beetee, your mentor.” He grins boyishly. “Glad to officially meet you two. I don’t think you remember seeing me in school ever, but-”

 “Of course I do.” I blush a little.  “You were the best in your class, and head of the robotics team. Not to mention, you won the Games three years ago. Those electric traps you made were genius.” Plus, I decide, he’s pretty good-looking. But I’d never say that aloud.

“Thanks for the compliment, I guess,” he replies. “So, you guys should tell me all about your strengths, things that will give you an advantage in the Games. What can you do, Cameron?”

Timidly, Cameron looks at Beetee. “Well, I’m pretty good at building forts and fixing the phone line when it’s not working.”

“That’s fine,” Beetee says, mustering a smile. I can tell he’s lying. Those skills won’t be enough. Cameron’s going to be slaughtered like a lamb. “You’ll learn loads of helpful skills in your training sessions. They’ll have stations for everything: Knife-throwing, archery, camouflage, fire building, weight-lifting, you name it. Now, you’re much older, Wiress, so you must be a natural when it comes to electronics, right?”

I nod.

“Then you should explore the stations that you don’t have experience in. That way, you’ll have learned at least one new skill.” 

“Will do,” I reply confidently.

Suddenly Ty bursts in. “Turn on your TV! You don’t wanna miss the replay of the reapings.”

“Thanks for reminding me,” Beetee says. “Time to see who you’re up against.”

I pay special attention to the people from Districts 1, 2, and 4, because the majority of victors have come from their districts. They sure look intimidating. I’ve heard rumors that they train in secret from a very young age, even though it’s not allowed. But after years of watching the Games, I definitely think it’s true. It’s the people from District 12 that I really can’t seem to shake the memory of. The guy is Dwayne Watters, a thin boy with dark hair and tan skin. Quinn Mellark, the girl, is a pretty blonde with blue eyes.  But she doesn’t look much healthier than him. Things in their district must be unimaginably bad. They’ve only had two victors in fifty-four years. 

Once we reach the Capitol, Cameron and I are separated. “To get ready for the parade,” Beetee explains.  

I groan inside. Like I really want to play dress-up at a time like this.

Before he walks away, Beetee puts a hand on my shoulder. “Oh, come on. It’s not so bad.” He makes a goofy face and winks at me. I try not to think about how cute he makes it look, because it’ll only lead to a bad end. I can’t fall in love. Not now.  

“Okay, maybe not,” I agree with a chuckle. “See you later.”

In my prep room, I go through a torturous hour of waxing and washing. It amazes me how much the Capitol overhypes an event where twenty-three people die. You’d think they were getting me ready for a beauty pageant.

“Your hair is just gorgeous!” one of my stylists says. She said her name was Nelly. Her hair is obviously a wig. I mean, why would you dye your hair green? She pulls it off well, though.

“We’re just going to add a little make-up now, and then we’ll help you into your costume,” the other woman, Sienna, says. Her clothes are the most outrageous thing about her. Case and point: she’s wearing a knee-high dress covered in cotton balls, along with bright white tights and white shoes. I have to stifle a laugh, because she looks like a human marshmallow.

When I’m all ready, an unbelievably pale man walks in, carrying a black costume bag. “Hi! I’m Dev. My, you look beautiful.”

Nobody’s ever called me that besides my parents. “Um, thanks.”

My parade costume is a jumpsuit, colored black on the bottom and copper at the top, with a copper bucket hat. I’m supposed to be a battery.  Yippee.

Cameron looks just as ridiculous when I meet him and Beetee at the chariot. The helmet is way too big for his head, covering his eyes. District 1’s already taking off, so it’s too late to fix it.

“Hey there,” Beetee says, unable to control his laugh as Cameron and I step onto the chariot. “Are you a AA or AAA?”

I roll my eyes. “Haha, very funny.”

“Just trying to make you smile. You’ve got the best smile I’ve ever seen.”

Suddenly, I’m beaming like an idiot. So much for not developing a crush on him.  

“Here comes District 3!” Claudius Templesmith announces, his voice resonating throughout the parade circle.

I smile brightly and wave to the audience. It’s just a silly parade, after all. I should enjoy the fun. While it lasts.

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