~ B A C K T O G E T H E R ~

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London Pov

I'm been doing some thinking and I'm tired of this childish shit were doing so I decided to end it and get Quavo back so let's see how it goes

Me: Set we all need to stop this childish shit 

Offset: Yeah you right

Me: Bye see you

Offset: Bye

London leaves and goes back home

Qua: Wassup baby

Me: Look Qua the childish shit we all doing needs to stop

Qua: You right I'm sorry I didn't believe you 

Me: It's fine

Qua: I love yo so much

Me: I love you too

Chanel: Mommy I'm hungry

Saint: Me too

Me: Okay lemmne go cook

Qua: Yeah cook for daddy*slaps her ass*

Me: Imma make sure your food is burnt 

Qua: Come on baby

London cooks dinner


Damn I missed London even thos he wasn't fucking with me for two days I love her and I need to be around her every second.Now I gotta call Offset so we can be staright.

Quavo calls offset

Offset picks up

Offset: Sup

Me: Sup man my bad for not believing you but next time don't call girl to chill

Offset: Alright man we coo

Me: Yuh nigga talk to you later

Offset: Alright

Quavo hangs up and goes to the kitchen and eat dinner with the family

London Pov

Calls Cardi...

Cardi picks up

Me: Girl we all done with the bullshit

Cardi: I know and girl I'm sorry

Me: Okay and I'm sorry too

Cardi: We cool agian 

Me: Of course

Cardi: Okurrr good

Me: Well Imma talk to you later

Cardi: Okay bye

London hangs up and goes to the room and gets in bed with Quavo

Qua: Goodnight bae love you*kisses London*

Me: Goodnight love ya too *kisses back*

Chanel comes in the room

Chanel: Enough with love you love you and come read us a bed time story daddy 

Qua: Kids these days*gets up and reads them a bed time story*


Quavo comes back and wraps his arms around London and they sleep

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