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Couple of weeks later

London Pov

So you guys its been a couple of weeks since I seen Quavo from our date.And I'm so happy because I have to go to Atlanta for photo shoots and I will be able to see him hopefully. Because I really missed him his smell,his smile,his laugh,and everything else about him.

Quavo is calling..

London picks up

Me: Hello

Qua: Hey London how you been?

Me: Good and you?

Qua: I'm good I'm just missing you

Me: Aww I miss you

Qua: Here you go with the mushy shit

Me: Shut up, anyways I was gonna tell that I'm going to Atlanta tomorrow for some photo shoots are you gonna be there so I can see you?

Qua: Aye that's good, but I no I'm not gonna be there tomorrow Imma miss you

Me: Aww man I was really forward to seeing you 

Qua: Yeah I know

Me: Yeah

Qua: Well Imma talk to you later I have an interview right now bye my love

Me: Bye Qua Bear

Qua: Really why my nickname gotta be Qua Bear some mushy stuff

Me: Shut up and fine I will find you a new one loser

Qua: Love you don't get mad

Me: I'm not bye *hangs up*

~ Couple of hours went bye ~

Me: You guys I'm leaving *comes downstairs with her luggages *

Rihanna: Wait girl I'm coming too *comes downstairs with her luggages*

Me: Why?

Rihanna: Cause I love spending time with you

Me: Aww thnxs

Paris: Bye yall be safe *hugs them and kiss them*

Rihanna and London: Bye *they hug back*

They leave , get on their private jet,and land in Atlanta

Me: Welp we made it safe to Atlanta *recording on snap*

Rihanna: Yep *gets in the video recording on snap as well*

Me: *laughs* Come on let's go to the Mall

Rihanna: Alright

They go to the Mall

As soon as we entered the Mall fans automically started to run to us asking for picture and autographs.So that's what we did and we continued to shop.

Rihanna: Yo London do you wanna hit up the club tonight

Me: Sure

They get home and get ready to go the club

When we got to the hotel, I  unpacked my bags then I took a 30 min shower, lotioned my glowing caramel skin.Put on my outfit and shoes, did my makeup and hair, and sprayed perfume. Then I went downstairs to the living room waiting for Rihanna.

Me and Rihanna with our outfits

Me and Rihanna with our outfits

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
Quavo and London Love Story ( Quavo love story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ