[1] confusion

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"shit, my phone ran out of charge..." i cursed as my phone screen turned black, and i lost all my progress on the game i was playing.

i twisted my body and changed my position on the couch from lying on my stomach to lying on my back, and hung my head off the side of the couch to look for my charger.

"noooo, it's all the way across the room! i don't wanna get up..." i groaned as i spotted my charger plugged into the outlet across the room, laying across the carpeted floor.

i started sliding off the side of the couch, and didn't stop my movement, planning to inchworm my way to the charger.

"how did i even let my phone get that low in the first place?" i thought back to what i was doing a few minutes earlier, and all i could think of was me watching naruto and eating honey butter chips on my couch.

"i wonder..." i pulled down my shirt which had ridden up on my stomach in the process of getting off the couch, and flipped so my belly was on the floor.

"ow." i said as i hit my head on the coffee table that was next to my couch. "why is that even there?" i asked myself, then sighed, starting to slowly crawl along the floor.

i soon realized that i wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, and reluctantly stood up, completely regretting it after, as my head started hurting like hell, and i fell back down on to the floor again, the pain rapidly increasing.

"if this is...a result of hitting my head...it's pretty severe." i said to myself through the pain. my head then started hurting even more as another wave of pain hit me, and tears leaked out of my eyes a bit, and i squeezed them shut tightly, trying to fight the pain.

suddenly, the pain completely disappeared, and i opened my eyes cautiously, not wanting it to come back. when i has opened my eyes completely, i saw that i was most definitely not in my room anymore.

"where...am i?" i said to no one in particular, as i was the only one there that i knew of. i stood up quickly, and saw that i was standing on some sort of grass. but the grass that i was standing on didn't seem real, it seemed... animated.

that was when i looked around fully, and saw that everything looked animated. the trees, the clouds, my arms and legs...'holy hell what happened to my body?!'

i started to freak out, and pulled out my phone, planning on using the camera to see my face, then i realized that my phone had no charge.

i sighed and tried to see my face in the black screen of my dead phone, but it didn't work. i tried to put my phone back in my pocket, but dropped it on the ground behind me, so i turned around to pick it up.

when i turned around, my eyes went wide as i saw the huge red wooden gates standing in front of me.

'what. the. hell.'

when i saw the gates, i thought that i had seen them somewhere before, but that would have been impossible... right?

i decided to walk towards it and investigate, cause that's totally safe to do! walk towards the giant unknown structure that could be potentially dangerous!

and that's how i ended up here, standing in front of the giant red gates, confused out of my mind, but super, super happy.

because these aren't just any giant red gates. oh no, these...are the giant red gates from naruto!

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