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"Samuel John Golbach do you want to explain why school went out five hours ago, and you arrived home at 7:30 at night," My mother was leaning against the kitchen island, her mouth pressed into a straight line.

"I'm sorry, mom I met this really nice boy, his name was Colby, and he w-was so nice to me.. and he didn't make fun of me or my stutter like the other kids did in the old schools. I like it here, ev-even if it was on-only a day."

"A boy named Colby? What is he like,"my mom pressed.

"How's about I invite him over tomorrow?"

"Yeah, honey. I'd like that," My mom went back to washing the dishes before violently turning around,"But don't think that you're making your way out of this one, Sam. Extra chores tomorrow and no phone. You're grounded for tomorrow."

"Okay, I'm sorry mom."

"Yeah, you better be sorry now come over here and give me a goodnight kiss before I make you go to your room."

I laughed and walked to my mom, giving her a kiss on the cheek and walking upstairs.

Today was amazing. Honestly, Colby is one of the best friends I've ever had despite not knowing him that long.


Waiting for Colby in my first period class, it was weird not seeing him yet. Thirty minutes into class, Colby walked in, looking horrible. He had a bruise on his cheek and a scrape on his jawline. His usually dark blue eyes were glazed over as he got scolded by the teacher and was handed a detention slip for tomorrow.

He groggily sat next to me and asked me if I was okay.

"Why wouldn't I be okay; the real question is what happened to you,"I exclaim, remaining as quiet as possible.

Colby looks down guiltily and pulls out a piece of paper where he messily scribbles out a note. He passes it to me and it reads 'It's a long story. i'll tell you later"

I nod at him and continue with my work.


I rush to Colby, knocking into him from the force of me sitting down so violently.

"Sam, what th-"

"Wha-What happened to you," I exclaim, reaching to gently brush my fingers over the bruise on his cheek. He winces and I bring my hands away.

"Brennon threatened you, he called you bad things. I had to put him in his place." I bring my hands up to my mouth in shock. "Colby! you c-c-could've gotten hurt. It's okay if he said any-anything, I'm used to it you shouldn't put you- your- yourself danger simply because he was a meanie." I bring him into a hug.

"Please, you're the only person who's even attempted to talk to me in this blasted school, don't mess it up now."

I pulled away and gave him a glare. He chuckled, which signifies that I wasn't as threatening as I had previously hoped.

"Okay sam, I'll try."

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