"Oh that's good, but you should still go now, I will see you at four thirty. 

I left the room and walked up to the room of requirement, I took the last bird from the cage inside the room and placed into the Vanishing Cabinet.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus"


I opened the door and the bird was gone.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus"


I opened the door and the bird flew out into the room.

I completed the accio spell and I got the bird back into the cabinet.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus"


Inside the bird was gone.

"Harmonia Nectere Passus"

I opened the Cabinet and the bird once again flew out.

I continued doing this over and over again and it worked every time.

When it was four twenty I left the room and walked down to the infirmary to collect Draco.

"Ill go get Snape, you get the Death Eaters and meet me on the astronomy tower" I said.

"Okay, I love you see you soon"

"Love you too"

I walked down to the dungeons and knocked on Snape's office door.

He looked down at me.

"Its happening"

We ran to the tower and I saw that Harry was below, Snape stopped to do something but I made my way to the top of the tower and stood beside Draco.

"Ah Dakota, I didn't realize you too, were on the mission to kill me, I thought that it was only Mr Malfoy" Dumbledore said.

Snape ran up the stairs and stood beside us.

"Do it Severus" Dumbledore pleaded.

"Avada Kedavra" There was no emotion in his voice when Dumbledore was hit by the spell and fell of the top of the tower.

"Lets go" Alecto said.

Bellatrix put the dark mark up into the sky and all of us ran from the tower. I gripped Draco's hand as we ran.

We left through the front doors of the castle and out past Hagrid's hut. Bellatrix set it on fire. 

We ran into the forbidden forest and out to the end of the force field where we could then turn into the Death Eater smoke and fly to Malfoy Manor. 

As Draco and I turned to the smoke, since our hands were still joined we were still able to see each other as we flew. 

When we landed at Draco's Manor the gates opened and we all walked through. 

Draco and I didn't stick around and went straight to his room. 

"Its okay Draco, at least we know you didn't kill him" 

"Yeah but soon we are going to be the worst people in the school, hence the fact that Potter will tell everyone"

"Well then we wont let that get to us then will we" 

"No we wont" 

The Beast Unleashed {Draco Malfoy} (deatheaters)Where stories live. Discover now