Chapter ten

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Draco's POV

When I woke up the next morning I remember what the beautiful girl laying beside me did for me two days ago. 

I pulled her more into my arms and she snuggled in more, I hate the fact that I would soon have to wake her up so we could only have a half day of learning in class, then the rest of the day catching up on the things that we missed out on in classes yesterday.

I nudged her slightly, she moaned, and snuggled in tighter. 

"Dakota, come on we need to actually do some work in the first week of school, other wise we are going to draw attention to ourselves for not going to classes" 

"Urg do we have to?" She mumbled.

"Yes, do you want people people to think something is up? and that we, together are always not in class"


"Well then we need to get up"

"Oh okay fine then" She sat up and turned to face me since I was lying down. 

She leaned down and lay her head on my chest. I started playing with her long wavy dark brown locks. 

"You have very beautiful, soft hair Dakota" I said.

"And you have very nice hard abs" 

I smiled at that.

She then lifted her head and touched her lips to my own. They massaged my own passionately. She broke away and rested her head on my forehead.

"I love you, but since we now have to get ready I'm going to go get ready, Ill meet you in the common room in half an hour, Goodbye" With that she left and I could hear her walk down the stairs away from my room. 

I swung my legs over the side of my bed and got dressed into the uniform. 

It had only been ten minutes but I went down to the common room anyway and sat on the couch in front of the fire. 

Blaise soon joined me on the couch. 

"Hey mate, we all haven't seen you in ages, where have you been?"


"Come on give me some more information"

"I said I have been busy and I don't want to talk about it any more, you can realize what has happened" I growled. 

"Wow okay then I was just asking"

Blaise got up and walked away. 

Dakota then walked down the stairs and I got up and walked over to her and put my arm over her shoulder.

"Come on lets go to breakfast" I said.

We walked up the stairs and into the great hall. We sat down at the table and I grabbed a apple to eat, so did Dakota.

Professor Slughorn then walked over to us, but when he started talking it was clear he was talking to Dakota.

"Ah Miss Elliot, I have been meaning to ask you, as you are the top student in potions for six and seventh years I would like to put out the offer to join the Slug-club, where a group of students come together and meet, there is a party tomorrow night and you are invited and can bring anyone you would like" 

"Okay I would love to come, thank you sir" She said. 

"Your welcome" Professor then walked away. 

The Beast Unleashed {Draco Malfoy} (deatheaters)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora