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Fuck. I run my fingers through my hair. Out of anger and possibly a reaction from the alcohol I throw my phone on the ground. I really fucked up. My thoughts begin to race so for stability I collapse to the sand beneath me , and let out a sigh. Pulling out a new menthol cigarette, I place it between my lips and try my best to get my thoughts flowing, in hopes of fixing the situation. One flame to the toxic white stick and my lungs release the weight of my stress.
"What time does her flight leave?" My roommate Louis asks as he plays a game of FIFA. "Soon.." I reply pacing back and fourth. "Go get her mate, you've lost her too many times. Don't let it happen again.. if it were Eleanor I would try and stop her." He tells me not removing his eyes from the television screen. I sigh, he has a point.
Quickly a wave of adrenaline takes over my body and before I know I'm running down the side walks of New York City.
Approaching the airport, I pull out my cellphone. Calling her as many times as I can. No answer.
Entering the terminal my heart and mind are both racing faster than I can even describe. I quickly check the flights and find the only European flight departing in 5 minutes. Anxiety captivates my body. I run to the gate, "Dua! Dua wait!!" I see a glimpse of the brunette, unfortunately I'm stopped by airport security. "Sir you have to leave, this flight is full." They begin to grab a hold of me but my adrenaline is still pumping, "no! I can't, you don't understand I love that girl!" I tell them and they shake their head. "Sorry but we have to escort you out."
Defeated, and heartbroken. Two words that describe my exact mood as I watch the airplane take off into the sky.
Two weeks have gone by, she hasn't returned my calls. We're back at square one.
I'm not sure how I've gotten through my U.S shows, I've been back on the road. Tomorrow I play in LA. Tonight I'm stuck in this empty hotel room in Portland. The only thing that accompanies me is a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of jack. I feel slightly like a pirate, I wouldn't mind becoming one at this point..
After taking a sip straight from from the liquor bottle I check the time on my phone, 3am. I can't sleep. How can I? I'm too anxious. I go through my phone, scanning social media. I come across a tabloid video.. "spotted, Dua Lipa and mystery guy holding hands in London." What the hell? Naturally my jaw clenches as well as my fists. "Mystery man? This isn't Scooby fucking doo Dua" I finish off the bottle and lay back down on the uncomfortable and unfamiliar bed.
Los Angeles, California. 9:15pm

"This song is for a girl. It's called Sign of the Times hope you enjoy it" I say into the vintage microphone in front of me. I begin to let go, the only way I really know how. Through my music. I shut my eyes and let the melody take over.
I finish a few more songs and the crowd in front of me goes crazy with excitement, a smile forms on my face, "thank you and goodnight"
Exiting the stage I wipe my face off with a towel and pull out a cigarette. "Harry you've got press" my manager tells me, "just a moment, please.." I give her pleading eyes and she nods.
"Smoking kills ya know?" A voice greets me, I smirk looking up to meet a pair of familiar eyes. "Yeah I know, but we'll all die someday" I tell her and she chuckles, "deep." I give her a wink and pat a spot next to me. "How are you Kenny?" I ask her, she takes the seat next to me and sighs, "I've been alright, busy with modeling you know? Your show was good. I'm proud of you." She tells me, "you haven't been answering my phone calls though.. care to explain?" I sigh and run my hand through my hair, recalling the last time she called in New York while I was with Dua. "Yeah I uh, I've also been busy.." I say casually, she nods knowing that I'm probably lying. "Right, well I've missed you.." she turns to me and we lock eyes. I can't tell if it's the drinks in my blood stream, the feeling of loneliness or just the lustful look in her eyes but as she reaches closer to me we lock lips. Vanilla. She tastes like vanilla, and safety. I prefer cherry, but this should do. I think to myself. She must not mind my own cigarette lips because she deepens the kiss. "Let's get out of here Harry no more playing games. I want you" She tells me directly, I hesitate for a moment before being reminded of the sight of Dua and her 'mystery man' I sigh and agree. "Let me finish up press, I'll meet you at your place?" I wink at her, and she gives me a seductive look. "Okay styles, I'll be waiting"

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