Chapter Six: It Will Get Easier

Start from the beginning

"I am sure that he misses you just as much as you miss him," Ana reassured resting a hand on Valeria's shoulder, she gave it a squeeze before the bell rang signalling the end of their lunch break. 

The two women shared a look knowing that their talk would have to end here, the two shared a small smile before they got to their feet and prepared to head back to their classrooms so that they could teach their afternoon classes. 

Valeria checked her phone one last time before she pocketed it, she wished that she could have spoken with Neymar a little bit before she had to head back to work but she guessed it would have to wait until she got back to the house that night.


Stepping into his house, Neymar couldn't help but notice the silence that greeted him once he was inside; he didn't like the fact that he came home to no one there to greet him. 

Usually when he came home from training, he would be rushed by the dogs coming to greet him followed by Valeria and Davi depending on what they had been doing. 

Dumping his bag by the front door, Neymar wandered into the lounge and collapsed onto the couch before he flicked on the television to distract himself. 

The longer that he spent here, the lonelier he felt and he hated that nothing really seemed to distract him while he was home alone; sure, he had friends to go out with but they weren't always available. 

Most of them had families of their own and Neymar did not fault them for wanting to have family time; he would be the same if his family were here with him and people were nagging him to go out. 

It was hard to believe that things had worked out the way that they did, he had thought things would be different when he moved to Paris but he had found himself struggling. 

Davi was with his mother most of the time and Valeria was back at work, he tried to speak with them when he could but sometimes it felt like days before he had a decent amount of time to speak with them. 

Neymar hadn't told anyone that he was struggling and he felt so out of sync with everyone else, he longed for someone else to be trapped on this island with him and he was looking forward to having Valeria visit soon. 

He hadn't said anything to his girlfriend about how he was feeling; he didn't want her to feel guilty for not moving with him when he understood why she was reluctant to move. 

Staring blankly at the television, Neymar flipped the channel until he found something that could entertain him and keep his mind off the empty house that he lived in alone. 

He groaned finding nothing that could offer any sort of distraction, he threw down the remote in frustration and glared at the television that was now playing some sort of black and white french movie that was on. 

Closing his eyes, Neymar rested his head on the back of his couch as he listened to the movie play; he couldn't help but wonder what Valeria was doing right now.

With the school term starting up, she had been a little busy preparing and teaching her classes; she had sent him pictures just before the term had started of her bare classroom. 

She had asked him for suggestions on what she could do for decorations and declined the idea of having one of his jerseys displayed saying that it would be too much of a distraction for the children. 

Already they were struggling to talk to each other and Neymar wanted nothing more than for the entire situation to just disappear. 

He longed for the days when things felt so easy between them, he could pick her up from work or surprise her at lunch time once his training was done; hell, he would even take visits to the classroom over this right now. 

Neymar opened his eyes and looked towards his phone, he knew that he should probably call Valeria; he had missed a couple of her calls and often there were times when he just plain forgot to call her back. 

Neymar hesitated for a moment before he dialled her number, his heart pounding in his chest as he peered at the clock on the wall trying to work out if she would be home from work yet. 

Pressing the phone to his ear, Neymar frowned as her phone rang through and he sighed when his call went to voicemail; he leant his head on the couch and threw his phone onto the pillow next to him. 

He had training tomorrow morning and he couldn't even plan a surprise trip to Barcelona to see her, he very much doubted his coach would be thrilled at his behaviour if he did so. 

The sound of his doorbell ringing caught his attention and Neymar furrowed his brow since he wasn't expecting anyone; he moved to answer it hoping that it wasn't a fan that had jumped the gate. 

The last thing he wanted to deal with was excited fans, he loved his fans but them coming to his house was not something that he could tolerate. 

Opening the door, Neymar paused surprised to see his father on the other side and he blinked confused what he was doing here since he had thought that the man had gone to Brazil. 

The smile on his father's face did little to ease Neymar's concerns, he stepped inside wondering what had brought him here and why he hadn't called to say that he was coming to see him.

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