Chapter 1

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Clara woke up and looked around, where the hell was she!? She quickly sat up and realised she had an awful headache. Putting a hand on her forehead she tried to focus on the room surrounding her. It was a small living room in Victorian style but for her it was just an ordinary living room, her living room. The sofa she sat on was standing against a wall with a window. Outside were people walking and the sun was shining. It all looked beautiful, the street, the small houses with small perfect gardens, the fountain, the balconies, the city hall and the gates leading to the rest of Yorkshire. Although the town was magnificent it just looked, to perfect. Looking at everything it didn't feel right, none of it. She didn't belong here. Although she had lived in Yorkshire all her life it didn't feel like home. Because she had lived in Yorkshire all her life. right?

She tried to remember what she had done yesterday but everything was extremely blurry almost like yesterday never was. All she knew was that this wasn't right, she was missing something huge. She walked towards the door and opened it and a small breeze hit her face. There were no clouds in the sky and no one else seemed to be either confused nor out of place. Maybe she was just overreacting, she had just moved in after all.

Walking inside again she still couldn't completely shake of the feeling of being lost. All her memories was cloudy and unsure, like as if her whole life until now had been a dream. Everything, all her memories of her life in Yorkshire just seemed so artificial and made up. Ugh she was starting to sound like some philosopher trying to understand the meaning of life it was nothing. She probably just had a bad day or something.

Clara looked around and once again trying to remember what had happened yesterday. A flash of being dipped in red weird stuff got to her mind but the second she remembered it it was out of reach again. She shrugged it of 'probably just some stupid nightmare anyway' she thought. Although her best efforts of just pushing it away she still couldn't help but feel out of place. She needed to talk to someone, someone she trusted and knew would listen. she needed to find her husband, wait? It hit her like a train. She was married to the doctor or well dr John Smith to be exact. Now thinking of it why did it even suprise her they had been married for over a year now.  Clara felt really happy by the fact that she was married to the doctor, no to John, why on earth did she always call him the doctor when his name was John.  She shook her head which caused so much pain she decided not to do so again.

She walked up the stairs. The stairs made no sound as you should think stairs do. Weird in a way and adding to the 'to perfect' feeling this whole place had. She found the doc, John sitting on the bed as disoriented as she was. He was looking out a window with his back turned agains her. Everything in the little bedroom was tidily put in their right places. The small bedside table with a candle and two books in a perfect pile, the wardrobe that stood open and had all clothes put in colour order, the curtains that flowed gracefully around the window and the bed it self that was perfectly made with three pillows on top of the covers put in the exact center of the the bed, or well it had changed a little because John was sitting on the bed. She looked at him, he really was beautiful even if she just looked at him from behind. The fact that they where married was so absurd that she almost couldn't believe it was true and it made her sad in a way that she couldn't remember details from their wedding. That like everything else was just a part of the blurs that were memories.

John realised that she was there and looked up at her with a smile "Clara! I was wondering where you were" she smiled back and walked over and sat down next to him. "Well I was downstairs, where else would I be?" she asked him raising a brow amused "I don't know, maybe the you got tired of listening to my rambling so you left" he said jokingly "never gonna happen" she gave him a smile. It felt a lot better being here with John and her worries about her lack of memories didn't seem quite as disturbing. "Something I gotta ask you tho" she said turning a bit more serious "Do you know what I did yesterday?"

she could se how he suddenly looked worried which made her feel worried as well "because I can't remember anything from yesterday" he looked out the window as if he was lost in thoughts "no" he finally said "I really don't know. I can't remember what I did either it is as if yesterday have disappeared from my memory" the fact that John didn't remember much either didn't make her feeling that something was wrong any better but at least she wasn't alone. "It will be okay tho, probably, I mean maybe my memory only isn't as good as I thought. Anyway It's nothing to worry about" John gave her a weak smile as if to tell her not to worry about it even tho it was obvious that he was. She looked out of the window "so what do we do now?" she asked him just in that moment realising she had no job and no friends in the neighbourhood. Her dad lived in London which was where her childhood friends lived as well. She knew no one here, no one except the doctor. Without thinking much about it she threw herself into his arms "what do we do?" she repeated helplessly "I don't know love" she felt all happy inside at him calling her love. Of course it was nothing special with it maybe, they where married after all but it still made her glad and feel special. "But hey" he gently took her shoulders and turned her to look him in the eyes "it's going to be fine, we can get through this, as long as we are together, what does it matter if we don't remember a day or two. We both are alright right?" Clara nodded and he embraced her "my impossible girl" he said while holding her in his arms "it's going to be fine, we will come up with something" It was as all her worries about feeling lost and out of place just disappear, as long as they had each other

A/N cliche? cringe? cheesy? crappy? Bad grammar? Spelling errors? Pleas tell me what you thought about it (and if you find any mistakes), well it is my first fanfiction and I I'm not the best at writing romance stuff in stories either but yeah I love whouffle and I had nothing else to write xD

I hope you enjoyed it anyway and vote and comment if you want me to continue this story, have a nice day and stay awesome


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