when the girl sings secretly - 6

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when the girlfriend starts singing and the members find out (requested)

sungjin: he would be sh00k and hides behind her, he would wait till she is finished and tell her so many times how good it was. he is totally impressed and proud.
"why didn't you tell me that you can sing SO GOOD?"
"hah it's nothing-"

jae: he wouldn't show it but he is affected and happy when he heard her voice. he wouldn't wait at all and even start a competition where he sings ugly only for her to make her laugh.
"I bet I am better than you!"
" *starts singing jingle bells rock* "

brian: like sungjin, he would wait till she is finished. he smiles a lot cause finds it sexy and cute at the same time. later he would just backhug her and tell her how great she was. then he would tease her the whole time and beg her to be an idol since he thinks that she has good chances.

wonpil: he would smile like a child (gotta imagine that wow) and kiss her head since he finds it so cute, he would also sing with her and smile the whole time wow let me cry-
later he would give so many compliments and kisses can I protect him thank you

dowoon: he would smile and get red, he would also wait till she is finished and doesn't know what to say, but he is totally touched and loves her sweet voice a lot
"y-you were...w-wonderful"
"aw dowoon I love u a lot"
"hehe, i-i love you m-more"

i literally have nothing to do that's why I just dod another chapter hehe if there is anything I should do better, just tell me :D I think later I am gonna do another chapter hahah


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