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It was you I thought of, all the while,
In my dreams, my thoughts, every moment of my life,
I couldn't apprehend the sudden inklings that I dealt,
Every time your presence was all I felt,
Obsessed, infatuated, intrigued, incessant,
Try as I did I couldn't bear the torment,
Of you being with someone, you holding someone's heart,
I felt you were mine in my heart of hearts,
Tough love was all you needed I believed to be mine,
Oh how lovely it'd be to make you a little pine (for me),
But oblivious as always have you been to me,
And I couldn't ever touch my little queen bee,
A fairy you are to ever earthling,
But you'll be my princess & I'll be your king,
One look at you and the ache of my hearts,
And when u look away how I fall apart,
I have made you mine a thousand times over,
In my dreams every night and every day forever,
But you'll call me a plague for I touch and you fall,
On the pedestal you stand none can touch u at all,
But through your every picture every motion on the go,
Oh how you besott me inadvertently never far can I go,
Like a firefly you're just there & gone,
Like a candle you burn me and I am ready to loose my own,
I know where it'll go but I can't let it stop,
For you are my wind and I am just a rock...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2018 ⏰

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