top at 1:42

It made a loud victory roar.

The team was in awe as they saw this beast take down a goliath. Before it could walk away it saw the team. It then made a threatening shriek.

They backed up a little frightened as it climbed off the dead Goliath and slowly walked towards them

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They backed up a little frightened as it climbed off the dead Goliath and slowly walked towards them.

Blake: That's it that's the thing I saw last night.

Suddenly Yang makes the first move running at it as the reptilian does the same. Yang raises her fist ready to punch it with her gaunlets until it jumps over her like it knew her gaunlets we're a weapon.

Until she could turn around she was smacked by the tail to a tree. The smack felt powerful enough to break the armor of a boarbatusk. Suddenly the tree made a snapping sound as it almost dropped on her until Weiss slides over with her glythe piercing the crack of the tree,as it was sealed with ice. The creatures walked over to them until.

Ruby: Hey!

It turned around only for it to be shot a couple times by Ruby's sniper. The creature limped on the ground weak. She got closer for a finishing move until the creature soon rises up ubove her. She pulls the trigger only to hear a click.

WBY: Ruby!

Suddenly Blake appeared in the air behind it holding gamble shroud in blade form ready to attack only for it to move out of the way. The beast got more fustraded as everyone helped each other. The team then circled it as
he was in the middle of them. Yang made the first move as she shot her gaunlets at his legs barley doing any damage.

It got more angrier as it slashed at her hair. Yang saw a tiny strand of yellow hair falling in front of her. Suddenly her hair raised as her eyes turned red,and the indoraptor saw this and made a clicking sound which sounded like a chuckle now that it has an even Worthy Challenger.

It ran at her only to be punched on the jaw slamming it to the ground. She ran over to it to punch it, but instead it dodge as Yang punched the tree. The indoraptor bit her arm tossing her towards her team mates as she gotten back up and ran back at it.

But before she could punch it,it swiped it's tail at the legs tripping her. And before she could get back up,it's feet steps on her leg piercing it's toe claw into her knee.

She yells as her eyes turn back violet.

Ruby: Yang!

She runs at it,as it turns around ready to slash until one of it's foot felt cold. Weiss was right next to it with her glythe. Its feet we're covered in ice.

It tried to break the ice,until Ruby started making cuts,slashes,and scars all over it's body. Ruby was about to shoot it only for it to dodge leaving the bullet breaking the ice.

It ran at Blake only for it to bite an ice version of her at the shoulder. She appeared behind it,as the creature used it's special echolocation to notice her behind it. It lifted the ice sculpture throwing it at her.

She jumped dodging it,and turning her weapon then turned into blade form as she slashed it's legs making it limp to the ground. Blake landed on the ground next to it raising her weapon. The creature looked straight at her,doing nothing just staring at her. Suddenly it glows bright yellow,suddenly it turns humanoid. Once it stops glowing Blake  looked to see a naked boy. He had hind legs,a toe claw,S/C skin,H/C hair,a black tail with a yellow streak,and the same hhiands he had in his last form but human size. Luckily though his tail was covering his private.

Blake and everyone else we're blushing more red than a tomato. The boy smirked seeing that they were distracted for about 30 seconds. He swiped her legs with his tail. But before he could get up to either run away or attack a tranquilizer dart got into his neck. He pulls it out and looks directly at it. He then dizzily fell to the ground.

The team looked up to see a bull head flying above them with someone holding a tranquilizer gun.


The team ended up back at beacon with Yang in the infirmary.

They were in the hallway walking to the cafeteria not speaking a word. Not realizing the newcomer of beacon.


In a room which was the same room Ruby met ozpin. It was that same boy from before sitting in a chair alone until the doors opened to reval Prof.Ozpin.

Ozpin: Good afternoon

Boy: Piss off!

Ozpin: Now now no need for that type of attitude. My name is Prof.Ozpin and you are.

The boy stood silent.

Ozpin: This is the part you say your name.

Boy: I know dumbass I just don't have a name.

Ozpin: Don't have a name hm how about Y/N.

The boy thought about it Y/N.

Y/N: I .... I like it....

Ozpin: Good now Y/N I was thinking how would you like to join beacon academy.

Y/N: No thank you I must begin my search on finding the ones called the white fang.

Ozpin: It's basically what we do here in beacon.

Y/N thought about it for a second until he made up his mind.

Y/N: Fine.

He puts out his hand,as ozpin shaked his hands.

(This will be the title screen so cue title screen music.

(Pretend it starts dark and then lights shine on it then turns back dark showing this

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(Pretend it starts dark and then lights shine on it then turns back dark showing this.)

I hope this was worth the wait,now if you'll excuse me I must start writing the next chapter

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I hope this was worth the wait,now if you'll excuse me I must start writing the next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2018 ⏰

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