The Beginning of The Spiral

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Harry Potter quietly sat at his table, waiting for something to happen. He had attempted to charm the cooking supplies to bake his food by themselves, but he wasn't sure if he had done it correctly. It was early in the morning, so he was hungry for breakfast. Since he now was an adult, years after killing Voldemort and graduating from Hogwarts, he decided that he would be able to do whatever he wanted to. That was why the cooking supplies were making vanilla cupcakes with blue and white frosting. Harry had tried to do this before, but Ginny, his wife, had stopped him, and told him that he had to "Act like an adult and be a good role model for the children." He laughed when he heard the lines in his head in Ginny's voice. But recently, Ginny hadn't been around much. She was always somewhere else, or had some errand to run. Harry began to see her less and less. And when he did see her, she was cold to him and very suspicious. Harry worried about her day and night.

He was snapped back to the present when he heard a clatter in front of him. For sure, on the table, was a beautiful cupcake: vanilla with blue and white frosting, just as he wanted. It was on a shiny, white, ceramic plate, in a light blue wrapper. Farther down the table, there was a similar plate, covered with more identical cupcakes.

"Brilliant," Harry breathed, his worries suddenly forgotten. He picked up the dainty cake, admiring its beauty. It was almost too elegant to eat. Nonetheless, Harry gently bit into it, delicious flavors rushing into his mouth. He could taste the sweet, fluffy cake and all of its flavoring. Vanilla. His new favorite. The frosting was sleek to the touch, complementing the cake extraordinarily well. Before Harry knew it, the cupcake was gone, completely consumed by him. He was left only with the sweet aftertaste and beautiful wrapper. And the frosting stain on his dark blue t-shirt.

Eyeing the platter that was topped with the beautiful desserts, Harry got out his wand from his pocket and called, "Accio cupcake!" Immediately, one came flying onto his plate. Once again, he bit into the delectable cake. He finished it extremely quickly. Harry continued his cycle of summoning a cupcake and then consuming it, until he had eaten the entire batch.

"Wow. That was amazing," Harry said, as he digested his food. Life couldn't really get any better for him.

Suddenly, Ginny burst through the kitchen door. She had a hard look in her eyes, and Harry was not excited to hear what she had to say. He had a plate full of cupcake wrappers in front of his, and was covered in frosting stains and crumbs.

"H-hello, sweetheart," Harry said weakly, waving slightly.

"Really, Harry? Cupcakes? For breakfast? I can't believe you," Ginny said. "But that's not the point. I'm here to tell you that I don't love you anymore. I feel nothing towards you. The only man that I love is Draco. I'm leaving you and taking the kids. We are moving to Scotland. Draco has gotten a job there."

"W-what?" Harry asked. "How long has this been going on for?"

"Draco and I have met with each other over the past few months to discuss how we are going to divorce our spouses and marry each other," Ginny answered. "He's telling Astoria that right now."

"Why don't you love me? Why do you love him?"

"He's so much better than you. He's smarter, stronger, handsomer, and more powerful than you. I don't care that you defeated Voldemort. Draco is amazing." Ginny was obviously swooning. This made Harry feel more rage than he had ever felt before in his life. It was like there was a sea of molten lava boiling inside of him, burning and twisting his mind into fury.

"Well, I don't care!" Harry screamed, standing up. "I don't care if you don't love me! I don't care if you love Draco! I don't care if you're taking our children, and leaving me to rot! I! Don't! Care!"

"Harry, control yourself. That sort of behavior is why Draco is more of a man than you. You're nothing more than a child."

Harry's emotions were swirling inside of his head like a tornado, causing him physical pain. One second he felt rage like no other, the next he felt like it was all a joke. Everything seemed surreal, like a dream. Harry started to cry. He crumpled down onto his knees. "Ginny, please, I love you. Don't leave me. Don't take the kids. I love you so much more than Draco does. You mean the world to me. Please, just please, don't go," he said, shaking with emotion. 

"Tsk, tsk, Harry. You're so pitiful," Ginny said with a bitter laugh. "Crying won't make me instantly fall for you." She glared at the emotional mess that was her former husband.

"No! Stay! Just stay!" Harry yelled, standing again.

"Goodbye, Potter. Your story won't be told throughout my family's generations. You'll be forgotten. My children don't even care. They are actually excited to have a better father," Ginny sneered. And with that, she walked out, slamming the door behind her. Ginny was gone.

Harry stood for a second in shock, before falling to the ground again in a fit of emotions.

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