Chapter 4

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"To fix this, to hope yo fix this, we need to do something that neither of us are really good at. Talk."

Yasha nods seriously. "Of course. Should we..." She trails off. "Should we head upstairs? I assume that this isn't a discussion you want to have in the middle of a tavern."

"No, it isn't." Beau agrees. "But staying above a tavern does have its uses."

She leans forward and quickly grabs the barkeep's attention, who honestly seems like he's afraid of her and serves her quickly because of it. He ignores several less threatening looking customers and heads right to her next.

"What can I get you?" A harried looking halfling man asks nervously.

"Another. Please."

She adds the please after a moment since she is trying to work on seeming like less of an asshole. According to the man's expression as he pours her another, she still is intimidating to some. Which, to be honest, Beau is completely fine with.

He slides it over to her and she hands him money. She chugs what's left of her other drink and wipes the froth from her lips before pushing forwards the empty tankard, grabbing the full one. The barkeep takes it and begins cleaning it.

"Hey." He looks up at her again. "I'm going to take this up to my room. That's okay, right?"

"Yes, of course."

Beau gives him a two fingered salute and then turns around, sliding off of the barstool. Yasha leans forward onto the bar and the man's eyes widen at the sight of the giant woman leaning over, unintentionally resulting in her flexing her already impressive arms.

"Could I have one of whatever she's having?"

The man nods and hands her one as well, thanking her when she hands him more gold than it's worth and then hurries away to deal with other customers. When Yasha turns around, Beau is already walking away and heading towards Jester instead of the stairs.

"Beau!" Jester grins, standing up to greet her friend.

"Hey. Uh, would you mind staying down here for a while?"

Jester looks behind Beau to where Yasha is standing nearby at the bar, a tankard in her hand as she looks at Jester and Beau. Jester's grin grows until it's almost a smirk, winking at Beau.

"Yes, of course." She draws out her answer. "I'll just stay with Molly and Fjord tonight. You can have fun with Yasha all night long."

"That's not nec..." Beau trails off with a sigh, blushing slightly at the very unsubtle implication of what Yasha and her could be doing up there. "Thanks, Jester."

"No problem! It'll be fun to have a sleepover with the boys!" Jester says cheerfully. "Minus stinky Caleb."

Despite her sour mood, Beau can't help the small smile that spreads across her face as she shakes her head fondly. "Yeah, a sleepover. Hey, you know what you could do? Molly and Fjord don't know about the plot of Tusk Love."

Jester gasps excitedly before turning to their semi-tired looking friends sitting nearby. "Oskar! I have the most wonderful story to tell you!"

Fjord looks confused as the blue tiefling skips over. "Who?"

Beau takes that moment to escape back to Yasha, letting her hand trail over a bicep as she mutters out a "let's go."

Beau leads Yasha upstairs, walking carefully so her drink doesn't spill out the sides. She stops in front of the door with the number eight on it in chipped black paint. She reaches inside her pocket with her free hand, fumbling around for a moment before she manages to get out the key and unlock the door. She holds it open for Yasha and closes it behind them. Yasha turns on the lantern on the bedside table that's smooshed in between two beds, which is about all that fits in the room aside from a wardrobe. It's built for function, not for size.

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