Chapter 3

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Yasha stirs from one of the best nights of rest she's had in quite a while. She inhales softly and moves closer to the woman currently in her arms, her eyes opening. Yasha looks around as best she can without disturbing Beauregard, still sleeping peacefully in her embrace.

Nothing immediately catches Yasha's attention as something that would have woken her up. The first tendrils of light from the sun are sending reds, oranges, and yellows streaking across the sky, drawing Yasha's attention to the dark clouds in the sky. It's then that she notices a familiar feeling in her bones and Yasha closes her eyes tightly as if that could make it go away. It's an ache that signals rain, signals a storm, an ache like an itch encouraging her to travel, even though that's what she's been doing with her companions.

Yasha looks sadly at the beautiful woman in her arms and then looks up to where the clouds are blocked by thick tree branches right above her. A single sourceless drop falls from the leaves and lands directly on the center of Yasha's forehead and her vision goes dark. By now, she is familiar with this feeling.

Yasha stands in darkness and there's a flash of light, a lightning bolt coming from where the sky would be, and then the visage of the Stormlord appears. Yasha immediately bows her head and goes down to one knee. The shimmering outline of her deity walks forward, growing larger as he approaches until he's more than twice even Yasha's size. A hand reaches outward and rests on Yasha's shoulder. This close, she can see that the light coming off of him in the darkness isn't a soft glow but instead crackling electricity. She can feel warmth radiating from where his hand rests on her shoulder.

His voice echoes in her head, strong but kind. "Rise." Yasha follows his order immediately and stands, looking up into his face as he stands up straight from where he had bent over to place his hand on her shoulder. "You know I would not call upon you if it were not important."

Yasha nods, knowing he can feel her sadness no matter how much she tries to keep it from her face. "I know. Will it be long?"

There's a pause before the Stormlord responds. "You will go back to them as soon as possible."

Yasha nods, accepting his cryptic answer. "Alright. When am I to leave?"

"Immediately." There's another pause. "You will not be away from her for long."

Yasha ducks her head shyly, unsurprised that he could see through her so easily. A small smile pulls at her lips. "I-I think you would like her."

"I do. Now go."

With that, Yasha's vision returns to her as the first drops of rain begin to fall. After allowing herself just a moment longer to hold Beau, she carefully extracts herself from her. Beau shifts in her sleep but doesn't wake. Yasha bites her lower lip, debating for a moment. Should she wake her? She looks at how peaceful Beau's expression is and can't bring herself to.

The rain starts to pour down harder as Yasha packs up her things, grabbing her bedroll last and looking down at Beau with sad eyes. She looks around quickly and plucks a wildflower from the ground, placing it on Beau's bedroll in front of her, hoping that it's the first thing she sees when she wakes up.

When Yasha stands up, a hand is placed on her shoulder and she freezes for a moment. She turns, her things now ready and packed up.

"Leaving?" Mollymauk's smirking like usual, water dripping from his horns and the jewels adorning them. "Now, you know I don't care much for the Obnoxious One, but it's common courtesy to say goodbye to a person you've just slept with before leaving." Yasha raises an eyebrow at him, a small smirk on her own face. "I said it was common courtesy, not that I'm courteous."

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