Part 15: matters into his own hands

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Will's POV;
I woke the next morning feeling refreshed, and happy that my mother know knew the truth. It was a Monday, so that would be going back to school.
Third person;
Will was eager to see Mike after what happened the night before so he quickly got up and ready for school.
"Morning Will, pancakes?" My mum said flipping a pancake on the stove.
"Yeah sure," He said going to the sink to wash his hands. His came up and kissed him on the head.
"What was that for?" I asked.
"Just to let you know I love you and that I'm proud of you," She said.
"Proud of me? Proud for what?" I questioned.
"Just able to tell me, that you know, you're queer, that takes a lot of courage." She said smiling.
"Oh yeah, right. I love you too mum," I said shoving pancakes in my mouth.
"I've got to go, I'll see you tonight!" I called out to her. I bounced all the way outside to my bike and met the others at Mirkwood.
"Hey guys!" I called out.
"Hey Will, you're late! Let hurry to get to school on time." Said Lucas. Mike just sat on his bike staring at me.
"What's your problem?" I joked, nudging him.
"Uh sorry what? Oh um I didn't hear what you were saying I was daydreaming sorry, Will! When did you get here!" He cried.
"Like two minutes ago," I giggled.
"Hey lovebirds! Come on!" Dustin cried. Mike gave me a peck on the cheek as we rode to catch up with the others. Mean while, Troy was propped behind some bushes, watching the two boys.
Third person;
Troy hated those two, he hated them so much. He hated faggots, there was no place for them on earth, they deserved to die. He was getting frustrated that no one in this town was doing anything about them, so he decided to take matters into his own hands. He hated Mike especially, since he supposedly broke him and Jane up, he had already beat the shit out of him, but that wasn't good enough, he had to kill him, kill them both.

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