Not Like You Father! Hoodie x Depressed! Child! Reader

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"That right there, that's the heart..." My father droned on. I am getting more and more tired of these lessons. It's all so I'll grow up to be a vicious killer like the people I live with.

I just...I don't want that.

I tried to tell him that but he just won't listen. He must turn me into a killer because it's what Slender wants. He wants another proxy.

But I'm not like my dad, I don't have an affinity for fighting. I'm too empathetic to fight or destroy lives.

"Dismissed," father says.

"Thank you father." I reply, walking out of the teachings room. I head up to my own bedroom.

I go up the flight of stairs, passing EJ's room, then Jeff's room, then finally making it to mine. I turn the knob and swing open the door. I walk over to my bed, lying down on it. I curl up into the fetal position, hugging myself tightly and staring at my plain wall.

My stomach hurts all the time, food doesn't taste good anymore, I have no energy, and worst of all I used to love reading. Nothing I do feels enjoyable anymore.

I don't know how long I laid there, but apparently long enough for someone to come get me for dinner.

There was a knock on the door, and then it slowly opened. I didn't bother to look. I hear soft footsteps walking over to my bed. The bedframe creaks with the added weight of another person. I feel a hand shake my shoulder.

"(Y/N)." I hear Ben's voice whisper softly, as he shakes me gently. I turn around to face him.

"It's dinner," he says. I sigh quietly.

"I'm not hungry," I reply, turning back around.

"You've said that two nights in a row. A growing eleven year old needs food. You've gotta eat." He reasons.

I groan. "I don't have the energy to get up."

He sighs loudly, and I feel hands slide underneath me. Ben lifts me up and hold me bridal style.

A blush spreads over my face, and Ben carries me down the stairs to the dining room. Father sees me in Ben's arms and he gazes at Ben confusedly. He quickly sets me down.

I walk over to the dining table, taking a seat. I take a helping of mashed potatoes and a small peice of steak. To be honest, it didn't look very appetizing. I just would rather not hurt Slender's feelings by not eating his food.

"Thank you, Mr. Slenderman." I speak over the tremour of voices in the dining room.

He chuckles, "you're very welcome." He replies, ruffling my hair.

I wait for everyone else to take a seat. Ben sits to my right, and father to my left. Everyone starts to eat their dinner, but I only stare at my meal.

"Please eat, I'm concerned that you aren't eating. Are you feeling well?" Father asks, rubbing my back.

I cannot seem to muster a smile of reassurance. "I'm fine father." I reply.

I know he's not convinced. "Well, that's good, because your first test is a week from now." He announces. I stare at him, very confused and slightly afraid.

"Test?" I ask.

"Oh, don't worry, it's not a human. You aren't ready for that." He 'reassures' me.

"Father..." I trail off.

He looks down at me. "Honey, it's only a dog."

I immediately feel tears sting at my eyes. I don't wanna hurt anything! I stand without a word, walking out of the kitchen and back up to my bedroom. I know father tries to follow me, but Slenderman stops him.

"Let her go." He says.

I throw open the door to my bedroom, jumping onto the bed. Tears flow down my cheeks. I let small weeping sounds escape me, but not too loud as to alert anyone.

Why me?


Today is the day. The day I undergo my first test. I dress myself in dark clothes, putting my (H/L) hair in a style that keeps it out of my face.

I walk down the stairs slowly. So many emotions are coursing through me. I silence all of them.

Father waits outside, I meet him at the back doors. He hands me a large knife. I gulp, staring fearfully at the shiny blade. Father and I walk deeper into the forest where Slender waits with a large covered cage.

I stand across the red draped cage. He rips the fabric off, revealing a large great dane. He's not snarling or foaming at the mouth, just sitting. Like a good puppy.

Slender opens the cage, and the dog meanders out. I walk over to it, shaking in every part of my body. The pup sits, staring up at me with it's cute little eyes.

I raise the knife above my head. My hand shakes furiously. I look into his eyes again.

Something snaps.

I drop the knife, falling onto my knees. "I can't do it daddy! I CAN'T!!" I wail. Tears fall off my face and smack against the grassy ground.

Father tries to run over to me, but Slender holds him back. Father glares at Slender, pushing his arms away and rushing over to me.

He wraps his arms around me, stroking my hair and letting my cry into him.

"Da-daddy I'm not like you, I don't wanna hurt anyone!" I cry. Daddy shushes me comfortingly, hugging me tighter.

"Daddy, my tummy hurts worse and worse each day, I don't like doing anything I used to, I can't sleep anymore, food doesn't taste like anything at all, and everything inside me hurts!" I cry loudly. Daddy freezes.

"Oh honey why didn't you tell me? I'm so so so so sorry I pushed you into this. Honey you deserve a choice and I'm so sorry I didn't give you one." He apologizes, letting me dig my face into his chest.

I simply cry into his chest.

I feel a large tongue lick me upside the face. I turn to see the great dane staring at me, with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. I giggle, petting the pup.

"Daddy, do I still have to?" I ask.

"No honey, of course not," he replies, "you can keep the dog too if you like."

I smile for the first time in a while. Lunging forward I hug the dog. It barks happily.

"You're still learning self defense though."

"I can agree with that."

Jeff: Real tear jerker there.

Joy: Thanks.

EJ: Who the hell drew a smile on Slender's face?!?!?!

Ben: That may have been me.

EJ: He's out for blood dumbass.

Ben: At least he doesn't know it was me.

Slenderman: THINK AGAIN!!!

Ben: SHIT!!!

Joy: YOU DREW A DICK TOO?!?!?!?!


Requested by Frozen Shadow (VixenThePirateFox57)

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