Not Like All The Others Laughing Jack x Reader

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"Who...Who are you?" I asked, looking up at the tall man in my bedroom.

"Laughing Jack sweetheart! But you can call me LJ!" He laughed, smiling hugely at me.

Mr. LJ's big goofy grin made me laugh too. I giggled, holding a hand over my mouth. 

I was still too loud.

"Shut up in there!!" Daddy yelled, banging his fist loudly against my bedroom door. The smile vanished from my face, and I looked back to Mr. LJ. He wasn't smiling anymore, instead he stared confusedly at my white door.

Mr. LJ looked back down at me, quickly replacing his frown with a large grin.

"So wanna play?"


I giggled happily, but quietly. Playing with Mr. LJ is so much fun! Mommy and daddy don't really play with me anymore. They say nine is too old to play with toys.

LJ stood up, putting the dollies I made by myself down.

"I have to go (Y/N), but I'll be back tomorrow!" He says, lifting my small body up. I stare into his black eyes. "Awwweeeee." I whined. I hugged him, burying my face into his chest. The fluff of his chest feathers rubs against my face as he strokes my hair. He pulls my face away from his chest and looks at me.

"I pinky promise I will be back." He replies, holding out said finger. I looked at it, then back to his face. I held out my own pinky, wrapping my tiny one around his long slender one. "Deal." I giggle.


I waited for Mr. LJ to arrive all day. At some point, I didn't think he was actually going to come.

But Mr. LJ proved me wrong.

I was laying on my bed. Daddy yelled at mommy and I today. He came home in a very bad mood. He hit mommy and she started to cry. I ran up to my room, and I really don't want to come out.

I felt a hand shake my shoulder, so I roll over to see Mr. LJ standing there.

"Hey kid!" He smiles at me.

My face bursts into a huge smile. "Mr. LJ!" I quietly yell. I lunge forward to give him a giant hug. I pull back and jump off my bed to grab my dolls.

I stare at Mr. LJ, noticing just how tall he is. When you think about it, Mr. LJ is actually very very scary. He has a very pointy nose, and you would think a clown would have some colour, but Mr. LJ is all black and white.

He's very very nice though.

He sits down on the floor with me, picking up a doll and glancing at me. "C'mon kid." He says.


There's something really off about this kid. She...actually analyzes things. Don't think I didn't notice that weird glance she gave me earlier. It was almost like she was trying to determine if I was a threat or not. She's not like the others.

I'm pretty sure her parents are abusive. Maybe not the mom, but the dad for sure. None of that is gonna stop me anyway. No amount of pity will stop me.

I pulled a lethal candy out of my pocket. "Want a candy kid?" She sets down her doll, staring up at me with those big (E/C) eyes.

"Yes please Mr. LJ. But first, I gotta tell you something." She says.

I look down at her, setting my own doll down as well. The candy still laid in my palm. "Sure kid," I reply, letting her speak freely.

"Sometimes, I think about making daddy go away forever. So he can't hurt mommy and me anymore. I know it's wrong, but I wanna make daddy dead." She grins, looking up at me with this mischevious glint in her eyes.

I'm understandably shocked. How old is this kid?! Isn't she like nine?!?! Yeah, her dad is an asshole who really deserves it, but most kids don't wanna freaking murder their father.

Except Sally, but she's dead. So she's not really a kid.

"Can I have the candy now, Mr. LJ?" She asks. I slowly slip the candy back into my pocket. "Sorry kid, it's bad." I reply. 

She frowns, "oh, okay."

I can make this kid great.

I had to make a stop at another kid's house before going back homr. It didn't end well.

"WHO THE HELL SWITCHED MY CANDIES FOR REGULAR ONES?!?!?!?!" I screamed, slamming the mansion door open.

Jeff laughed maniacally. "YOU ASSHOLE!! IT'S BEEN A GODDAMN WEEK MAN!" I yelled. Jeff's face immediately morphed into an apologetic look.

"Shit man, I didn't realize..." Jeff trailed off. I growled.

"I'll be back."

I walked the streets of (your hometown) looking for somebody. Anybody.

I spotted (Y/N)'s house. I tried to stop myself from going in there, I really did.

Next thing I knew, I was standing in her room.

"Mr. LJ?" She asks, rubbing her eyes to rid them of sleep.

"Hey kid." I looked down at her, my sharp rows of teeth glinting in the moonlight.

No amount of affection I had for this little girl would change her fate. Because I'm a monster.

No matter how hard I try, nothing will ever change me.

Toby: I figure the requester wanted a fluffy little thing Joy.

Joy: Me too but this was more fun.

Jeff: Pfft, everyone knows not to screw with LJ's stuff.

LJ: Okay, problem.

Joy: What did you do now?

LJ: I accidentally told Sally there's a monster hiding underneath her bed and now she won't sleep.

Hoodie: Slender is gonna open up a big can of whoopass on you.


Slenderman: LJ!

LJ: Christ! Joy! Hide me!

Joy: Hide you where dumbass? You're a seven foot tall clown.


Requested by Red The Freaky Noodle (VioletDaKilla)

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