Start from the beginning

"The sheets feel scratchy." Lucy complained.

Eleanor shifted uncomfortably. "Better than my room, I can just about move around. It's ridiculous." Eleanor watched as Lucy's face lit up at the story, changing her mood.

"Besides, wars don't last forever, Lucy. We'll be home soon." Susan smiled.

"If home's still there."

Edmunds remark shocked Eleanor, so much her mouth hung wide open, her jaw slacked.

"What kind of a way to think is that?" Eleanor gasped, watching as Edmund didn't even bother to turn to her. "He's talking rubbish, Lucy." She glared at the back of his head.

"Ignore him, I usually do." Peter said, making both Eleanor and Lucy smile foolishly.


"Isn't it time you were in bed?" Susan snapped, glaring at Edmund who gave her the same look back.

"YES, mum!" Edmund began to leave the room, on his way he shoulder barged Eleanor who had stood up at some point during the conversation.

"Ed!" Peter snapped, making Eleanor flinch slightly.

As the door slammed behind him, Peter turned to Lucy, who was now sat next to Eleanor- holding her hand tightly.

"You saw outside. This place is huge, we'll be able to do whatever we want. Tomorrow's going to be great. Really."


The prophecy as it's told, the five kings and queens of Narnia. One of which will be revealed as the true swordsman, it is them who must kill the witch. It is them who will be the defender of mankind- the warrior.

Eleanor woke up with a gasp, cold sweat running down her face and her neck. She quickly wiped it away with her sheets and sat up straight. With a single sigh she got out of bed and began to get dressed.

As she tied the ribbing around her hair, to hold it in its semi-high pony, the pattern of rain danced against her circular window. She finished the bow and walked to the window, with a simple and small push it flung open.

Eleanor immediately regretted her decision and closed it in a hurry. She huffed, today was not her day.


"Come on, Peter. Gas-tro-vas-cu-lar."

Peter hesitated from what Eleanor could hear as she walked closer to the room, she opened the door.

"Is it Latin?"

"Of course it is," Eleanor smiled, closing the door behind her and sitting next to Lucy- leaving Edmund alone. Peter smirked at her.

"Correct," Susan smiled at Eleanor. "Sorry, Peter. Ellie didn't ask me, so she technically won."

Peter groaned, but everyone knew he didn't really mind letting her win.

"Is it Latin for worst game ever invented?"

Eleanor didn't open her mouth. She simply held Lucy's hand a little tighter. "We could play hide and seek?" Lucy said, turning to Eleanor to smile sweetly.

"But we're already having so much fun," Peter said, sarcastically. Eleanor held her laugh in.

Lucy let go of her hand and went closer to Peter. She looked at him with such puppy eyes that anybody could give in. "Please, Please."

Peter rolled his eyes.


Lucy grabbed ahold of Eleanor's hand and the pair quickly began running. Susan had squeezed into a small box on the way, leaving it to just them.

✓ 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐊𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 ° the chronicles of narnia (1)Where stories live. Discover now