
After trying out most of the games and rides, me and Amber decided to try the Ferris wheels. Among the two, the big and the small Ferris wheels, the line for the smaller one wasn't too long so we decided to try that first. We bought some cotton candy as we patiently waited for our turn to come.

"Hey, Amber!" I heard a voice call out to Amber and turned around. Alex's best friend Ivan was walking towards us holding the hand of a small boy.

"Hey Ivan, what brings you here? Did Alex call you to rescue him?" Amber questioned giving him a pointed look.

"What? Alex is here? The old guy hates places like these, this is epic." Ivan chuckled, running his fingers through his blond hair.

His brown eyes fell on me and he took a double-take.

"Whaa- Rose is really here? I thought you and Alex were just messing around when you guys said that she'll move here."  He blurted out and Amber snorted.

"Hey, Ivan" I smiled at him.

He sighed with a dreamy look in his eyes and clutched his heart dramatically making me smack his arm. Since Alex and Ivan knew each other since childhood, Ivan used to be around most of the time when I visited my cousins and he was known for his rather friendly, or let's just say flirty behaviour.

"Oww.. beautiful but violent." He murmured rubbing his arm, sending me a quick wink and I rolled my eyes.

The little boy with big brown eyes on Ivan's side watched our exchange with curiosity. Amber and Ivan got engaged in their own conversation and I crouched down to the little boy's level as he studied my face innocently.

"What's your name?" I asked him softly, smoothing his ruffled brown hair.

"Liam" He replied pouting, a soft blush on his fair skin.

I mentally awed at how adorable this little guy was and nodded with a smile on my face.

"Such a nice name for a n
handsome little boy like you." I cooed and his face lit up as he beamed, his eyes sparkling. I continued, "I'm Rose."

Liam furrowed his little brows as he digested the information studying my face intently.

"You're so pretty and your name suits you..", he replied in a small voice.

I smiled as I leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek. This little guy had already captured my heart.

"Look he too agrees to what I've always said. Also, this little guy sure knows how to steal a girl's heart better than me." Ivan laughed and I nodded in agreement.

"You never told me you had a younger brother, is he your cousin?" I turned towards him and he shook his head.

"He's Rhyan's brother, not mine."

"Rhyan" I repeated to myself as I tilted my head trying to remember if I have ever heard that name before.

Sensing my confusion Amber cut in, " He's Alex's friend from college and lives just down the street. His family moved here last year so you haven't met him yet."

"He must be really sweet just like his little brother." I replied gently caressing Liam's small face to which Ivan let's out a cough.

"You'll figure that out yourself soon, sweetheart."

I stood up straight meaning to ask what the hell he was murmuring to himself when Liam grabbed my free hand in his small ones and tugged me towards the Ferris wheel indicating he wanted to join us.

When I was hesitant to let him, his expression turned sad and his big chocolate brown eyes, glassy. This immediately melted my heart and I quickly nodded letting him know he could join us.

Seeing this, Amber burst out laughing. "Rose has finally met her match. I swear that is exactly how you always blackmail people and trick them into bending to your command."

"Whatever." I shot back rolling my eyes.


Later after riding on the Ferris wheel, we went to the food stalls to get something to eat.

I bought burgers and cold drinks for Liam and myself. The adorable little one seemed to like me a lot as he stuck by my side throughout the whole time and I had absolutely no complaints. We sat down on some benches to eat and got joined by the two love birds. Victoria seemed thrilled as Alex even won a cute teddy bear for her at a game stall.

"Hey Ivan, where's Rhyan by the way leaving you to look after Liam? " Victoria asked munching on some French fries.

"Oh, he was with us in the beginning but left a while before we met Amber and Rose as something urgent came up. He has just messaged that he'll be here to pick us up in a few minutes."

Victoria hummed back a reply and their talk moved on to another topic as I began to think about that Rhyan guy. After spending time with cute little Liam, I was quite curious to know how his older brother actually is.

After we finished eating, it was finally time to go home and we headed out of the entrance towards the parking area. My phone vibrated indicating that I had a call and I excused myself to take it.

The call was from an unknown number and as soon as I picked up the phone the line goes dead. I just shrugged it off and turned to head back to everyone when something caught my attention.

I spied a small pond a couple of feet away from where I was. Curiosity taking the best of me, I decided to check it out.

As it was kind of dark, the pathway leading towards the small pond was lit with small colourful lights. The sight was breath-taking as the twinkling stars from the sky above were being reflected by the water, making it look as if the stars had been embodied in the crystal clear water.

I was examining the surroundings whilst walking ahead lost in the mesmerising view.

"Rose!" I heard a distant voice call out to me. I turned around to see where the voice had came from but suddenly crashed into a hard chest making me lose my balance and fall backward.

I closed my eyes bracing myself for the fall which never came. In an instant, a set of warm muscular arms were wrapped around my waist steadying me as I held onto my saviour for dear life. Goosebumps arose on the exposed skin of my waist from the sudden foreign contact and I felt my cheeks heat up.

My heart thundered in my chest as I slowly opened my eyes and found myself staring back into a pair of deep blue eyes. I felt myself being lured into a trance as time stood still and the world around us seemed to have magically disappeared.

I was held captive by those alluring intense blue eyes which bored into mine, making it impossible for me to tear my gaze away.


Hey guys!

How cute is our little guy Liam?

Who do you think Rose crashed into?

Let me hear all your thoughts on this special chapter and don't forget to vote and comment

- Tracy

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