24.. Abhi's Fluctuate Feelings

Start from the beginning

Abhi.. lets leave.. he is not in his sense..!.. Pragya said and held his arm tightly.. Abhi relieved her grip and looked at the man.. And was about to speak.. .. But the man sounded breaking his voice... I'm so sorry.. Mr. .. I don't know that I'm disturbing you both..!..

Abhi flipped his face towards Pragya.. and she shrunk her eyes as what..!?.. while the man continued.. May I have a chance.. I mean.. only after you..!..

Two minutes passed.. Pragya dragged Abhi towards the car and yelled at him to sit inside.. but he protested looking at his back.. Where the man was lying over the road.. with his injured face..

Pragya saw him whispering in pain.. and Abhi tried his best to free himself from her clutch.. but Pragya held him tightly.. and pushed him slightly.. by making him sit in the passenger seat.. and she settled in the driver seat..

She drove away the car at once.. and Abhi was still glancing at him through the rear mirror.. till he disappeared from his sight..!..

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Are you sure..!?.. You will reach home safely nah..!?.. Pragya asked and Abhi assured her silently.. She was about to say Good night.. But Abhi started the car and rushed out of her sight fastly..

Pragya stepped into her house.. Where she saw Dev busy with his mobile.. He saw her and stood walking towards her saying.. Why are you this much late..!?.. Where were you di..?..

And Pragya recalled her evening with Abhi.. and everything.. while Dev louds his voice little asking the same.. And Pragya replied.. I'm so tired Dev.. will speak with you at morning..

She greeted him good night and left to her room.. and Dev stood puzzled.. he stepped towards his room and closed the door.. after which he dials someone..

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In Abhi's home..

"Still he didn't reach home Dev.. what happened.. Pragya is fine nah..?!.. Sona asked Dev..
Who were having their conversation in mobile..

Dev hesitates to hear Abhi's name and he was at the peak of his anger after knowing that Abhi dropped Pragya at his home.. He heard Sonakshi calling his name.. and he replies.. Di just reached home an hour back.. I hope everything is going good there.. !..

While here.. Sona recalled everything.. and Dev was on the other side voicing her name continuously..

Haan Dev.. everything is.. is fine here..!.. I will meet you tomorrow morning at at our usual spot.. I'm very tired.. good night..!.. Sona said in a go and ended the call..

What.. She ended the call so soon.. what happened to her..?! .. Dev said looking at his mobile..!..

With Sonakshi..
Thank God.. it's good that I ended the call.. or else I would have spill everything to him.. she said and layed over the bed..

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In Abhi's room..

What happened to him.. why isn't he picking my call..!.. Abhi..!.. .. Tanu stressed his name with a ray of anger.. and again dials his number.. but she heard no response..

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