Surprise, abs and the deal.

Start from the beginning

"Probably, I'm the only one who doesn't share a room right now." I nodded.

"Okay, cool.

The rest of the day we were chilling out in their dressing room and since all of them had showered we hugged, a lot. Even David hugged me and lets say he is very good at it. We talked about everything, we ran around and just acted immature and we had a water fight. I know, random, but come on, what else are you supposed to do with five teenage boys.

After a while Cole got a text message.

"Come on, we are supposed to go to the tourbus, the crew wanna tell us something." Everyone nodded and stood up. Then we left.

The tourbus was really big, I can only imagine how many litres of petrol it takes to drive that from city to city.

We found the crew sitting in the couch watching TV.

"Hey, guys. Take a seat." We all sat down where Mary pointed (I'm naming their manager Mary just because I don't what the real name is.).

"What did you wanna tell us?" Cole asked. It seems as if Cole was the most responsible one.

"Well, Amanda, your current opening act, is quitting after tomorrows show so we need to find you a new opening act." The boys nodded.

"We can hold auditions after tomorrow." Dana said.

"Oh, no need. We already have one." Then she looked at me. "You didn't think we would let you stay here without doing something for us, did you." I froze. No way. I know I can sing but I have the worst stage fright ever. Gabe looked at me worried.

"Eehm, Mary, Nikki has really bad stage fright and I don't think it would be good for her if her first performance will be before all the crazy 5ers that will come to our shows." He said.

"Well, then she will have to leave." Mary said. And to think I thought she was cool.

"You can't do that! She has already travelled so far to come here and..." I interrupted Gabe's outburst.

"Gabe, it's ok. I'm not going anywhere." I looked at Mary. "I accept the offer." Gabe looked at me as if I was out of my mind.

"Perfect, we will practice when we come to Dallas." Mary smiled and I gave a week one back. "Now, it's pretty late so you should head to bed." We left but in the corridor that held the doors to our rooms Gabe stopped me.

"Are you crazy! I know what happens to you when you are supposed to perform. You get serious panic attacks and start hyperventilating which eventually result in you passing out!"

"Please, don't remind me. I will have to get through it. I'm not leaving and that was the only solution." I said.

"I know." He sighed. "I'm just worried about you. Me and the boys will be there for you and help you get through it. Do you think you can do it?" I nodded.

"I will at least try." I said and we hugged.

"Goodnight Nikki."

"Goodnight." We let go of each other and he went into the room he shared with Dana and I went into the one I shared with David.

He was already in his bed when I came in and I didn't know if he was asleep or not so I took the safer option and went to my bed as quiet as possible. I picked up a bigger shirt out of my suitcase and went into our bathroom to change. When I came out I went to my bed. The room was pretty small and there wasn't very much space between the two beds which made it so much harder to stay quiet. Just as I was about to get into my bed I felt someone take hold of my wrist and before I knew it I was pressed to David' chest with his arms around my waist.

"What are you doing?" I asked but didn't move, I was comfortable.

"I haven't cuddled with anyone in weeks and you look so cuddly. I couldn't resist it." I laughed at him.

"If the boys see us like this in the morning we won't hear the end of it." He shrugged.

"So? I know you like being this close to me." I scoffed playfully.

"A little cocky heh:" I teased.

"That's what happens when you catch someone staring at your abs." I blushed and hid my face in his chest. He laughed.

"Well, you're not exactly unfit." I said honestly. I could hear the smile in his voice when he responded.

"I know." I just shook my head and smiled.

"Goodnight David."

"Goodnight Beautiful." I blushed and buried my face even more into his chest. He chuckled We didn't talk more after that and soon I fell asleep in David's arms.

Best friend's bandmate ~ D.S (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now