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"Are you sure about this?" I nodded eagerly as Annie sat across from me the next day at school "Remind me what changed your mind about high school?" she said with a smile as she watched me.

"I made friends." I said proudly. Annie chuckled softly and ruffled my hair.

"Well I talked to the principal at the high school, and the principal here, and they're OK with it. The only concern they have is that you might not be able to fit in with the older kids. I know that your dad was worried about that too. He said he wants to make sure that you're not missing out on being a kid."

"Kids are boring." I muttered.

"Cecilia, you're a kid." I made a face, causing Annie to burst into laughter. "Here's how it's going to go," she said "we'll finish out the week here, and then next week we'll get you into high school. You'll still have some classes with me, but some of them will be with the high school kids." I smiled happily and Annie gave me a high five before handing me a heavy packet.

"What... what is this nonsense?" I asked as I flipped through the packet that made the bible look like a pamphlet.

"One of the agreements about you going to high school early was that you would join their academic competition team." Annie said guiltily "That's your study packet."

"This sucks!" I exclaimed as I looked over the material "Why do I have to join the team? I'm eight! I can't deal with this level of stress!" Annie was trying her best to hide her laughter, but was failing miserably.

"You're a smart kid, I think you'll be fine." she said teasingly "Now get your stuff together, it's almost time to go." I continued to mumble curses under my breath as I threw my stuff into my backpack. I thought Annie was just going to let me go, but she walked out with me when school ended.

"Are you leaving too?" I asked curiously as she walked with me.

"Nope," she said with a smirk "I'm making sure your dad knows that you need to study that packet." I groaned and hung my head while Annie laughed.

"Hey Kiddo!" I smiled and ran to give Bucky a hug when I saw him. He picked me up and frowned at my backpack with it's twenty extra pounds. "Do you have bricks in that thing?" he asked in confusion.

"No, but she does have a study packet." Annie said as she walked over "The high school wants her on their academic trivia team, so they sent a book of information for her to study. We'll start going to the high school classes on Monday, and her first practice is that day after school."

"Great, I can pick you and Peter up at the same time." Bucky said to me with a smile before turning to Annie "Thanks for helping her with this. She'll study this weekend."

"I have no doubt that she'll do fine either way." Annie said playfully as she gave me one more hug "See you Monday Kiddo."

"See you Monday."

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