Chapter 19

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^^Anne with an E Season 2 trailer!

After another boring week of getting up in the morning for school, then repeat, Grandma decided that it would be nice to invite some of the girls from the school over to have tea with.

Grandma insisted that I actually have friends over for a change and in hope that this event could shape me into being a little more polite.

"You should invite Diana Barry, Ruby Gillis..." Grandma rambled to herself writing down lists of names to send out invitations, which I didn't think was needed since I could just go to school the next day and tell them. But she insisted that it would be proper to send invites to the girls.

"How about Josie Pye? Are you friends with her? Her mother was such a sweet girl."

I shake my head at her.

"I don't know Josie that well, actually. Diana says that she can be a little cruel to Anne at times. And since Anne will be coming to the party I don't think it would be such a good idea to-"

"Really? Strange...I would think that given her mother being such a saint...I guess we shall not invite her. But you will have to attend an event in a few months with me that Josie Pye and her mother are hosting." Grandma says scratching off Josies name off the list.

"I totally understand. Completely reasonable." I State, shaking my head in a agreement with her terms.

Grandma smiles at me and continues to ramble off names to me, while writing more down on the paper.
"Oh Evelyn it's so lovely how your Grandmother is letting you have a Tea party." Diana sighs already dreaming up if 'how fun' this will be.

"Yeah! My mother thinks it would be nice for me too! Better practice of becoming a lady." Ruby says, whispering the last part so that only our group can hear.

I laugh at Ruby's last comment.

"My Grandma thinks the same thing Ruby but only making my manners better. Not becoming a full out lady."

Diana and Ruby exchange looks. While Anne and I watched them in confusion as to why they were looking at me that way.

"What?" Anne asks trying to break the silence of the four of us.

Diana shakes her head.

"Well it's just that..isn't it not proper for a young lady to well not become one? I mean it's not like we, us girls," Diana states pointing between  the four of us. "Are going to be allowed to do anything close to what the boys can do for a living."

Me and Anne exchange another glance.

"Yes, Diana is right. A proper lady in training can not mess with that short of stuff. It's just not...normal." Ruby says shaking her head in dissatisfaction.

"But...girls can do anything boys can do!" Anne explains. Her voice getting louder.

Diana looks at her friend sadly.

"Oh Anne.."

"Don't 'Oh Anne' me! This society we are living in is down right unfair. So what if we are girls? I can do anything a boy can do!" Anne shouts causing everyone in the school yard to glance at us. Even some of the boys were getting a little flustered.

"Anne you need to-"  Ruby was cut off by Anne.

"No Ruby. Both you and the rest of this awful town needs to realize that not only boys can do the hard work." With that Anne stomps off without a second glance over her head.

"That Orphan needs to mind her tongue. With that mouth she will never find a suitable husband." I hear Josie Pye snicker to a group of girls next to her. "Ha! I can't even imagine anyone wanting to marry a dirty orph-"

"Shut up Josie!" I yell glaring daggers at her and her snickering friends.

This caused Josie to jump at my reaction.

"Ex...excuse me?" She asks my surprised by my broad remark.

"You heard me Josie Pye! Your no good yourself, talking about girls behind their backs. If I wouldn't see it myself I'd say that your no better." I shout turning around and marching out of the school yards.

All I could hear was Josie Pyes yell of anger and the other laughs of other students. But I didn't bother to indulge in the glory of shutting her up, I just left without another word.

And a certain someone behind my trails.


Taking the short cut through the wooded trails I could hear someone following behind me, thinking it was Gilbert I sighed and stopped my walking.

"Okay Gilbert you can stop following me now! I still don't want to talk to you." I shout from behind my back waiting for a response.


"Gilbert?" I ask. Turning around to meet nothing but an empty trail.

Shaking my head that I was hearing things I turn back around only to run in into a hard chest.

Not Gilbert's either.

Shuttering on who I knew who it was I look up to see no other then Billy Andrews.

"Long time no see Evelyn." He says darkly looking down at me.
Okay, Okay I know! This was a short chapter but... I have 2 more chapters to edit through and we should be good to go by Sunday-Monday area to be ALL published! (Not all the chapters of my book but chapters 18-21) I promise there is more to come! Also did you know on July 6 Anne with an E is going to premiere on Netflix?! Awesome I know!

Blythe and I Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt