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Somehow, I ended up in my bed. I know this only because at eight in the morning Steve came running into my room and started jumping on my bed.

"Go away!" I moaned as I buried my head under my pillow.

"It's a new day Charlie! We have to enjoy it!" I rolled over and started to go back to sleep but Steve picked me up and carried me outside. I heard the waves from the ocean and I immediately started struggling to get free, knowing what he was going to do.

"No!" I squealed "Dad, don't do it!" Steve stopped in his tracks and dropped me onto the sand before tackling me and tickling me.

"What'd you call me?" he asked with a grin.

"Dad!" I said as I tried to push him off.

"I can't hear you!"

"Dad, please! I know you're not that old!" he gasped in mock offense but he had the biggest smile I'd ever seen.

"Stay there." he said excitedly. Then he ran back to the house screaming "BUCKY! SHE CALLED ME DAD!" I was laughing at how excited he was and then Bucky came out to give him a hug and I just can't even. They are so adorable! Steve came running back over to me and scooped me into a hug.

"I didn't know you'd be this happy about it." I said with a smile.

"Happy? Charlie I'm thrilled."

"Glad to hear it...Dad."

"It's a legitimate question!"

"Asking if Tony Stark is a tool is not a legitimate question!"

"But he is!" I rolled my eyes as Steve looked at me from across the table with a grin. I had taken to calling Steve Dad and I called Bucky Папа, which he told me was Russian for Dad. It helped them understand who I was talking to. Before, when I called both of them Dad, they were so confused. "By the way Charlie," Steve said "I've been wanting to talk to you about school." I tensed up the second he said school and watched him warily. "Zach called the other day and told me about how school was rough for you with everyone giving you a hard time."

"They're just kids." I muttered as I fidgeted nervously.

"Well I don't like the idea of it possibly happening again so Bucky and I are going to home school you." I looked up with a hopeful expression.

"Really?" I asked excitedly.

"Well it means you get to hang out with us more and I kind of like the idea of my kid being around more." I bolted from my chair and tackled him in a hug. Bucky laughed as Steve fell out of his chair from the impact of my hug.

"Sorry!" I said as I helped him up, but he just laughed and gave me another hug.

"It's OK kiddo. So we'll start school tomorrow?"

"Tomorrows Saturday."

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