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Sam sat on his front steps. Colby a few houses down. Both of them shaking in nervousness and excitement. Colby made it to Sam's house, seeing Sam sitting on his steps, waiting. Colby took in a deep breathe and slowly made his way to Sam. Sam was lost in thought and didn't notice Colby's soft footsteps, trailing across the grass and towards him. Colby knelt in front of Sam and gently placed two fingers under his chin, turning his head, blue met blue. Colby smiled softly and Sam returned it. Sam didn't know what to say, but the boy in front of him was absolutely astonishing.

"Dear Sam," Colby spoke softly, Sam melting at his soft, but deep voice. "It's been a great year.. A crazy month.." They stared deeply into each other's eyes. "Like I said.. There's really no explaining it." He grabbed Sam's hand with his free one. "Whether you look in my eyes.. And feel nothing or everything.. I promise I'll be with you. Protect you. Hold you.." Colby paused and stared into Sam's eyes. "Love you.. Forever." Sam let a tear slip. This was actually happening. Colby wiped Sam's tear and they both stood up slowly. "So, Sam?" He asked cupping the others cheek. "On this very day.. This very moment..." He leaned in, stopping and looking into the blondes eyes. "Will you be mine?"

Sam didn't answer. He simply closed the gap between them. Fireworks boomed behind them as their friends cheered and highfived. Their lips moved in sync, fireworks exploding in their hearts. Sam pulled away slightly and stared into Colby's dark blue eyes. "Forever" Colby pulled him in for another kiss, smiling against his lips. Happiness fell over both of them. They felt complete. They felt utterly in love. Everything around them faded as they shared their second kiss. And all they thought was..


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