I made eye contact with Elton. He was standing close to me, his body pressing against me. His face was inches away from me. Elton's eyes scanned my face and his eyes returned to mine.

I looked down at his lips and handed the plate to Elton, taking a step back. I got back on the counter. Elton finished cleaning and turned to look at me.

He placed both hands on either side of me, smiling. "Still single, Mahja?"

I shoved Elton, smiling. "You just broke up with Amanda."

"Yeah, like three weeks ago," Elton said. "It's fine now. Amanda and I are on good terms."

"Still," I said. "Amanda's my best friend. If she finds out I'm with you -"

"Are you admitting you want to date with me?" Elton asked.

I playfully shoved Elton again. "Stop. Yes, you're cute. Yes, I want to date you."

Elton leaned in closer. "So, date tomorrow?"

I smacked his shoulder. "Stop. I'll think about it."

Elton leaned in closer so his face was a few inches from mine. "Are you sure? I can change your mind."

I laughed and closed the gap between us. It was a spur of the moment idea, but it felt natural. Elton's lips were soft and he was actually a really good kisser.

I buried my fingers into Elton's hair. He pulled back and bit his lip. He looked sexy.

"Was that okay?" Elton asked. "Did I intrude on anything?"

I shook my head. "It's fine. As long as no one knows, no one cares, right?"

Elton smiled widely. "I like your attitude. Still thinking about that date tonight?"

I pursed my lips and hummed. I leaned forward, closing the gap a little. "Maybe I want to go, now that I think about it. I still want it to be tomorrow. I have to have time to get ready."

Elton pouted. I laughed and shoved him away. I hopped off the counter and went into the living room. Elton followed.

We sat on the couch and I kicked my feet up on the coffee table. Elton gently brushed his fingers against my hand. I smiled at him and leaned my head against his shoulder for a moment.

"What do you want to do today?" I asked.

Elton shrugged. "Be with you, I guess."

"That's not good enough," I said. "Do you want to go to the pier?"

"Sure." Elton pulled out his phone. "I have to tell my roommates, but sure, let's go."

"Can we stop by my apartment?" I asked. "I want to change."

Elton smiled and shook his head. "You girls and changing all the time."

I smacked his shoulder. "It's supposed to be hot today and I don't want to sweat a lot. I want to wear something lighter."

Elton held up his hands in defeat. "Okay, okay. We'll go to your apartment."

After Elton finished texting his roommates, we headed for my apartment. Elton followed me inside and waited for me in the living room.

I decided to wear a white long sleeve shirt and a light blue skirt with a light gray hijab. I wanted to feel tall, so I grabbed a pair of heels and slipped them on.

 I wanted to feel tall, so I grabbed a pair of heels and slipped them on

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When I stepped out of my room, Elton stood up and stared at me. I awkwardly smiled at him and gave a small wave.

"I'm sorry for staring, Mahja," Elton said. "You look really nice."

I smiled. "Thank you, Elton."

Elton pulled me close and smiled at me. "The only thing I don't like is that you're taller than I am."

I laughed. "But that's the best part! I like being tall."

Elton just smiled and shook his head. "Let's go and have fun."

Fuck It Boo (Elton Castee Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now