Chapter 1

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'ASHLEY! GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF BED NOW!' I yelled from the kitchen.

I swear if she doesn't move soon I'm going to kill that kid.

Hearing movement from my sisters bedroom I breathed a sigh of relief, I was on thin ice with both our schools anyway. I couldn't afford another late.

'Rise and shine!' I sang through the hallway as she came from her room.

'Shut up' Ashley mumbled.

Such a morning person she is.

'Breakfasts on the table, you've got an hour before we need to leave okay?' I told her as she came into the kitchen, she nodded as she sat down.

'Love you squirt' I told her as I went to leave the room.

A ghost of a smile formed on her lips before a mock hard look came onto her face.

'Don't call me that'

Like I said, morning person.

Exactly an hour passed as Ash came out of her room, ready for school.

'Cutting it fine little one' I said as we went out of our building.

'Lo, I'm 14. Not exactly little' She walked to my car and leaned against it.

Ah teenagers.

I can't really say anything but you know.

'Do you want to start walking to school on your own? You can if you want to, you just never asked me before' I asked my sister as I drove her to school.

'I don't mind, it'd be nice some days but I like being drove sometimes' She told me honestly.

'I've driven you every day for how many years now, I suppose it got to be normal to me. Hows about you start walking to school from tomorrow and if you want to be drove then I'll drive you'

Ashley thought about my proposition before nodding.

'You'll have to get up a little earlier mind, I know how hard that is for you' I teased.

One thing you'll find out about my sister, she doesn't do early mornings.

Or mornings all together for that matter.

We pulled up to her school with 2 minutes to spare.

'You got some keys on you?'

Ash felt around it her bag and came up with nothing.

'Come to the cafe after school and you can use mine, okay?'

'Okay. See you later bister' I smiled at her nickname for me before she jumped out the truck and walked into the gates.

I sped off, not wanting to be late for my own class. Luckily it wasn't for another half an hour so I should make it there on time.

Hitting no traffic lights on the way I made it to college 10 minutes early.

Getting out my phone I pulled up the unread message as I got out of my car and walked into the building.

'In the cafeteria, green tea's waiting for you girly- Z x'

My best friend knows me well.

I met Zara in the cafeteria before we headed up to our class.


'You going straight to work?' Zara asked me after we headed to the college car park.

I nodded. 'Working 2 till 8'

'I'm coming with you. I can make a start on the multi camera essay' She told me.

'Sure thing, I'll give you a lift up'

'Thanks baby' Zara gave me a smile as we got into my car.

I worked in a cafe, aptly known as 'The Cafe'.

Walking into work with Zara and we were greeted by an old man called Al.

I loved Al, he came in every Monday and ordered a black coffee and a blueberry muffin while his wife goes into the doctors office round the corner for her weekly check up.

'Lola!' He beamed.

'Afternoon Al, how are you doing?'

'I'm better now I've seen my favourite waitress' Al winked at me as I walked behind the counter and Zara took her seat at a booth.

'Aw stop it, you're making me blush' I teased. 'How's Betty?'

'She's good, can't say the same for her sister though. Driving me up the wall she is' Al shook his head.

'What's she done now?' I asked him.

'Same old, tries to say Betty's too good for me. She's way out of my league but she's still my world'


I want that type of relationship when I grow old!

The cafe was super busy and as there was only myself and another girl working, things got a little hectic by the time Ashley came in to get keys to the flat.

'I'll be back home in a couple of hours, there's pasta in the fridge if you get hungry'

'Sweet. Love ya!' Ash called as she left the building.

Two hours and a billion steps taken, my shift was finally over.

I collapsed onto one of the stools as Linda, who was taking the next shift walked in.

'Hey hon, how you doing?' She asked me.

'Shattered, I can't wait to get home and relax'

Linda gave me a sympathetic look.

'Aw sweetness. Well you can go on home now, Linda's here to take over'

'Thanks Lin. I'll see you tomorrow' I smiled as I walked (limped) out of the building and to my car.

I pulled out of the car park and started the short drive home.

Stopping at some red lights I sang along to Fancy by Iggy Azalea.

'I'm so fancayy. You already know. I'm in the fast lane from LA to To-'


My car jolted forward as I realised what happened.

Some bastards crashed into me.

For fuck sake.
New story,
Thank you for reading!


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