Start from the beginning

"Claire told me what she wants for a funeral," Remo said as soon as we'd ordered.

"Okay, back up one second, though," I said. "If she's dead set–no pun intended–on having a funeral, why all the treatments and the surgery and stuff?"

"Well, you know, just in case."

"That doesn't sound like just-in-case, Reem."

"Okay, that's not the right words, but you know. Even if there was only a ten percent chance she might die, she would want to plan all the details."

Well, true. "Sure, but if she really wants to fight this, is this where we should be? Boston has the best cancer hospitals, the best treatments, all the state-of-the-art facilities, the best doctors–"

Ziggy stopped me with the light touch of his fingers resting on my forearm. "Are you saying you want her to move in with us? Or to the Allston house?"

"Not necessarily. I mean, I know she needs a lot of emotional support, but is living with Janine the best choice for that? Remember, Court is in Boston, too."

Remo rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Quit spinning your wheels on that kind of thing until you've asked Claire what she wants. Call me crazy, but maybe right before the dead of winter isn't the best time to make a move to Boston, anyway."

"I suppose."

"Anyway, you want to hear the funeral details or not?"

Ziggy broke in. "How about we wait to hear the details from Claire herself, hm? A little later, perhaps?"

Remo nodded grimly. It'd be his secret to bear for now. "You up to coming to the hospital with me tomorrow?"

"I don't know if I'm up to it, but I will," I said.

"I'm just saying I know you have a lot of business to take care of tomorrow, when business hours rolls around."

"I do?"

"I just seem to recall you have some phone calls to make."

Well, that was true, but it was mostly going to be waiting for Carynne to get word about various things. "I'm sure I'll have to talk to some lawyers later this week." Mine–and possibly Sarah's? Anxiety prickled at the back of my neck. It wasn't just the lawsuits. There were the looming questions about my career. I dug the rubber band out of my pocket and started exercising my fingers. I might have forgotten to do it.

"Once we get settled at the motel, I'll start catching up with who I need to." He chuckled. "Barrett would have a cow if he knew I was just sitting in a Denny's at midnight like this."

"He would?" Remo asked.

"Yeah. Although we seem to have established this is safe territory." I told the story of the time I took Ziggy to Chinatown and we ended up having to sneak out the back. "Rovings pack of fans don't seem indigenous to this area. Barrett reamed me out pretty good for that one, though."

"So you usually travel with a bodyguard?" Remo asked. "I mean, I get that sometimes it's necessary, but does that sort of thing happen to you often?"

Ziggy just shrugged. Remo looked faintly horrified at the idea.

The waitress came and took our orders. I didn't even have to open the menu since I pretty much had it memorized. Remo got decaf, Ziggy asked for ice cream, and I got Moons Over My Hammy.

"Where does he put it all?" Remo asked Ziggy.

"In his hollow leg," Ziggy replied smoothly. "Has he always been like that?"

Daron's Guitar Chronicles Volume 12Where stories live. Discover now