Chapter 1

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so before you start reading lemme explain

(...) is an explaination to something

[...] is the character's thought

*...* is action

uhhhhh also this is my first story so forgive me for any mistakes pleaseee thanks for reading and enjoy :) good and bad criticism welcome! no hate tolerance.


It was the night before the first day of freshman year. I stiffly lay on my bed thinking about my first year in high school. I just moved here a month ago, I'm gonna be so lonely at school. Elly my only friend in this town discovered we have no classes together when we checked our rosters (school schedule).

Mom - *knock knock* honey are you okay?

Me - yeah I'm fine mom

She walks in observing the mess you created showing disgustion as her emotion. Knowing what she was gonna ask I said

Me - I was trying to pick an outfit...

Mom - What's the point you're gonna wear skinnies and T-shirt with Jordans anyway

Me - yeahh I know [ugh she knows me too well] buttttttttt for the first day of school you always dress to impress yah know

Mom - *sighs* that's all you kids care about these days, anyways be asleep before midnight tonight and I'll drive you to school tomorrow

I nod my head in agreement and she closed the door while saying goodnight. After organizing everything for tomorrow and taking a shower I went to sleep around ten. Really early compared to my Summer all nighters. I turned on my music and set my alarm for 6. I soon closed my eyes as Star starts playing and Jay Park starts singing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2014 ⏰

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