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Request for Shannon;

Today I had went out dress shopping for my cousins wedding, I was bridesmaid. After we had done with the dress shopping we all went back to my cousins for some drinks.

At around 8:30PM it had started to rain heavily so Sophie, my cousin, got her fiancé to drive me home. On our drive to mine a thunderstorm had started. I then started to worry about Brad being alone in the house during the thunderstorm, over the years I've learned how much he hates them.

As I got into the house I checked downstairs for Brad. He wasn't on the sofa watching TV like he would usually be if I go out, waiting for me to come home. I ran upstairs to our shared room and walked into hear sobs coming from the bed. I walked towards the bed to find Brad curled up in a ball, crying his heart out, shaking slightly.

'Aw Brad baby come here. I'm so sorry for not being home sooner.' I said softly kissing his forehead. I quickly took off my clothes that had been drenched just from running to the house. I stripped into my underwear and grabbed one of Brad's hoodies and put it on before climbing into bed. He shuffled over and cuddled up to me, the both of us under the covers. 'I'm so glad you're here Shannon.' He spoke after a while kissing my lips.

It was 10:15PM now and it didn't look as if the storm was going to stop anytime. I felt so bad for Brad. He always does everything he can and more to comfort me, so now it's my time to accompany and comfort him.

I got out of bed, grabbing Brad's laptop before climbing back in with Brad. I opened the laptop putting Friends on Netflix, as me and Brad both loved it. We connected it to the TV and both snuggled up whilst watching it. I stroked his face as he laid his head on me, playing with his curls also.

Soon enough I hear light snores leaving my sleeping boyfriends mouth, as he laid with his head on the stomach and his arms wrapped around my waist. I love this boy.

A/N sorry it's so short I didn't really know that else to write.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2018 ⏰

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