"Hey look little brat. I got on the world first so Mom is mine!" Lucas stated with much annoyance.

"Yah! We were supposed to be twins but I remained inside him so we are on the same age! Its not my problem you got out of mommy first! You should have stayed longer!" Minhyung pouted.

Well Minhyung and Lucas were supposed to be twins but things happened. Lucas got out first and Taeyong died. He was revived and became a vampire with Minhyung still inside him. The baby got affected so he became a vampire too... Jaehyun made sure their second baby is pure vampire so he also bit Minhyung and transferred some venom which makes Minhyung powerful and stronger with his powers.

"You overstayed inside Mom!"

"Did not! I was not ready yet and excuse you! I also contributed a part why mommy survived so shut up Lucas!" Minhyung said and Lucas turned to look at Taeyong with teary eyes.

"Mom! Did you see that?! The disrespect was too much!" Lucas whined and Minhyung stuck out his tongue at Lucas.

"Idiots. Why are we brothers again?"

"Oh shush child. You can't even talk to Jaemin without stuttering like a fool." Jaehyun said and wrapped his arms around Taeyong.

Jeno frowned and looked so exposed. Lucas was still grumbling about the DiSResPek and Minhyung just crossed his arms.

"Boys, stop fighting over who kisses your mommy's lips. Of course its me! His lips and mouth to mouth kisses are all mine. You cannot receive kisses on the lips anymore because you are all grown ups. His lips are mine." Jaehyun sad and Jeno was being a little shit.

"Dad we didn't asked." Jeno said and it triggered Jaehyun. He was about to grab Jeno but the youngest prince ran away before Jaehyun could get him.

Minhyung ignored what his dad said and wrapped his arms around his source of warmth and comfort, his mommy Taeyong.

"I am sleepy..."

"Lets go to your room. We'll cuddle and Jaehyun could also join." Taeyong said and they went to Minhyung's room.

Jaehyun was spooning Taeyong while Taeyong was wrapping his arms and legs around their second son. Minhyung just buried his face into his mommy TY's chest and forced himself to go to sleep.

"Renjun? Why are you still keeping us here?" Haechan asked.

Well its been hours since Renjun kept them in the Demon's palace. Haechan and Jaemin really wants to go back home but they were both scared of they'll be abducted again and thrown into the ocean or hanged in public.

"I just want to see those two princes suffer. Welp, can't help it. Its my happiness to make people suffer." Renjun snorted and the four shared looks.

"You're too sadistic." Kun said with a sigh.

"Hmmm... am I? Not really. I just hate those vampire princes with a passion. Especially loud-mouth Lucas. Might as well use them and hurt them for payback." Renjun said and sat on a chair while sipping his drink casually.

Haechan really wants to go back because he misses his bed and of course his friends...

"I won't mind if someone so handsome and hot as you hurt and use me." Chenle blurted absentmindedly causing Renjun to blush till his neck and ears.

Kun's eyes went wide in shock as he realized what the Prince of the Ocean just said. Chenle blushed after realizing what he just said and hid behind Kun.

Haechan really wanted to go back. He really do but they had no clue how to escape Renjun's place.

"Renjun. We are friends right?"

"Friends? I don't know. I don't know what are friends." Renjun said and Jaemin snorted and Haechan sighed.

"What are you laughing at Ex-Prince?" Renjun asked with a scowl.

"Its nothing. Okay. Just... just thinking why don't you have friends." Nana said.

"More like mocking me. Shut it... Shut it whoever you are and what your name is before I strangle and choke you." Renjun hissed and Chenle smiled dreamily at Renjun.

"I would gladly choke on your thighs..." Chenle sighed and Kun gasped before covering Chenle's mouth when he saw the look on Renjun's face.

"Renjun, I wanna go back to the surface. Not just me but also them. Set us free please?" Haechan asked nicely and Renjun scoffed.

"First of all, I am not imprisoning you. Second of all, you are all free to go and lastly, I won't stop you. Go if you want to go-"

"Okay where is the way back to the surface?" Kun asked.

"Its only me who can open it and I won't open it for you four. Hmph." Renjun said while rolling his eyes.

"But that's also imprisoning us?" Jaemin said.

"Not really. You've been here for like only three hours so it doesn't count." Renjun said.

"But I won't mind spending eternity with you." Chenle said which earned an angry Kun and a flustered Renjun.

"Yah little mermaid. Are you flirting with me? Too bad I don't go for kids because they are annoying and I don't like fishes." Renjun said rudely causing Chenle to be hurt.

Haechan sighed and he felt like chocking Renjun who was a little bitch since birth.

They just waited till Renjun open the portal.

At first they thought Renjun was lonely and he wants accompany so the four stayed by his side without hard feelings...

But hours turned into a day and half but Renjun is still keeping them. Renjun has a crystal like ball to watch over Lucas and the other princes.

Renjun was enjoying their sufferings and Haechan and Jaemin didn't like any of that... They didn't like that... they saw Minhyung and Jeno's state which pissed them off.

Renjun is not lonely nor thirsty for attention and company, he  is a bitch who likes to see people suffer.

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