Romeo & Juliet

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\Tokens intro\

As Rosaline, lies in bed, seething, wide awake
Because a burning love for Juliet only took a day
And if Romeo & Juliet continued to be married
Then there's half of a chance
That their kids would get embarrassed
When all the kids at school all talk about their parents
And Romeo Jr. has to say they're not together
And Junior will dream of the day when he's a man
And what he'll do to avoid that 50% chance
Of his kids feeling the way he feels
He'll probably just stick with Netflix and Chill

|Clyde's POV|

Token kissed me, I blushed a bit. He smiled at me and we had a moment of Silence. He held my hand close to his chest, I could faintly feel his heart pounding. I smiled and Kisses him slowly, our public display of affection cought wind quickly. Craig and Jimmy walked up on us kissing.

a few other people as well made out on the sidewalk, I pulled away looking at all the people, apologizing to Token and Running away. I could tell Token felt bad, the look in his eyes was sad.

Romeo and Juliet

I ran as fast I could away. I wanted to cry, but I didn't I could hear footsteps behind me and I didnt want to look back. It was probably Token and I wouldn't be surprised.

He grabbed me about a block away from His house and stopped me. No one was around. Rich people lived in this side of town and I was NOT one of them.

Token pulled me into a hug, I started crying. repeating I'm sorry. Token kept rubbing my back, I felt really bad.

\\Time skip Brought to you by: Kyles Jew ass\\

I sat in the bed with Token, He was touching my body up and Down, I am 16, he is 17. I moaned softly as he Kissed my back, I have back pain and Token always took me for spa days. I love him, not because he's rich, Not because he's hot. Because he cares.

     "I think your really Beautiful.." Token Whispered, my face flushed as I turned over to look at him.

      "you really think so?" He nodded and I smiled and he smiled back, my cheeks flushed at the thought of being beautiful.

      "Touch me Token" I got on his lap and He Started doing so, Touching the Bruises on my chest. Then to my nipples, soon my lower Abdomen. Then my boner.

I pulled away and twitched a bit. I switched the other way, he asked me if I was okay and I said 'Yes' i soon felt Pain, Pleasure, And tears down my face.

I couldn't Believe I was giving Token something I can't get back. He held my hand through most of it, it was amazing.

\\a bit later\\

Token's parents came home, Token and me had just finished, My heart was pounding. My eyes puffy and Red from crying.

     "My parents are here.." He kissed my neck and laid me down, I fell asleep quickly and he walked out of the room in his clothes.

Hey guys, I didn't go into full detail with the smut because I don't want people to be mad ^^\\

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