Chapter Two - The Used

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HoSeok p.o.v
"Beautiful." I told my girlfriend as she held the designer bag in her arm.

"I know." her high pitched voice rings in my ears.

"Baby~ you'll buy it for me right." she leans in squeezing my arm.

"Sure, as long as it isn't to much." I speak, hesitantly handing the plastic card to my girlfriend.

I know I'm not wealthy but I do make more money than the average person. Anything to make here happy, right? Her happiness is more important than money, right?

"Um, baby. The bag is gonna cost a little more than I expected, but I can still get it, right?" she begs more, wrapping herself around my arm.

"Uh, y-yeah sure." I know this probably isn't the best idea, but making her happy is my main priority. So what if i lose money, what's important is that she loves me as much as i love her.

While she's at the counter talking to man behind, I get a phone call.

Caller I.D
😂Midget Dude😂

"What do ya want, shortie?" I speak into the phone with joy from hearing my best friend's voice.

"Why weren't you at the college today? We had to do a paired dance in class, it was like a dance off between partners. Because you weren't here I had to pair with Jackson, every time I did something he'd look at me with a straight face, say 'cute', and walk away without another word. It gave me the creeps, brrr." I could hear him shiver through the phone.

"Look dude, Yura wanted me to come shopping with her. I just missed one day,  I will just make it up tomorrow, at school." Yura sure has been taking awhile at the register. Maybe it's just me.

"We don't have to be at the college tomorrow or Monday, they need to prepare the Electronic Arts program on Tuesday. Also, My sister moved into her own apartment so if you wanna come by later or tomorrow, feel free to just don't bring that girlfriend of yours I can't stand her. Blech." Jimin has never liked Yura, thinks she's a gold digging whore.

"Ok, yeah whatever. I'll come by tomorrow. Are Jin and YoonGi Hyung gonna be there?" I haven't seen those two for almost a week with how much they've been working.

"Jin Hyung won't be there, but YoonGi and Namjoon Hyung will." He sounds excited.

"Why won't Jin Hyung be there?" he usually never misses a hangout.

"He promised my sister he would help her settle into her apartment. He acts kinda like our big brother." Jin is very caring so that's understandable.

"Jimin how come I've known you for like eight months and am just now getting to go to your apartment?" I met Jimin on the first day of college, when we got to choose our clubs. We met at the booth for the Dance Program, he seemed pretty cool so I started hanging out with him. The thing is every time I asked to come over he declined saying we should go to my place instead.

"Because Len was living with me, I have a problem with her and guys because of something that happened in the past. The only reason Jin Hyung, Tae, and Jungkook get to hang out with her is because they obviously have no intention of hitting on her." This hurt a bit.

"I take offense to that. I'm in a happy relationship why would I hit on your sister, I haven't even met her yet, I haven't got a clue what she looks like."

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