Chapter 1: Late

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She stopped her running and looked from side to side, scanning the hallways, confused.

"Get to class."

Ace looked in back of her to where the voice had come from. That same rude student from one minute ago.

The girl sighed. "I could say the same to you too, you know?"

The male's red eyes met her eyes, then he shrugged. "Yes. But I don't care." He walked up to her- a bit too close to her.

She tried to not shrink backward and away from him. He was nearly a foot taller than her.

"You on the other hand-" He continued. "Looks like someone who cares." He rose an eyebrow in curiosity. "I've never seen you around here before and I know everybody at this school. Who are you?"

Ace frowned. Is he some kind of bully or something? She thought.

Crossing her arms, she responded. "I'm a transfer student."

He nodded. "That would make sense.. I would assume you're lost, then?"

She hesitated for a moment. Was she really going to ask a rude person who shoved her just earlier for help?


As much as she hated it, she needed to make a good impression on her teachers.

He snatched the paper from her hands, his eyes scanning over her schedule.

"It's 1st period right now. You have Mrs. Lam in Room 213." Handing her schedule back, he gestured down the hallway. "You're going to exit through the double doors and walk into the building right next to this one. Your class should be on the second floor."

Ace eyed the male suspiciously before warily taking her schedule back from him. "Thank.. You? Wait. I thought it was Advisory right now?"

He looked at her as if she was the most idiotic person he'd ever met. "Advisory is only on Mondays. Didn't you read the weekly schedules, dimwit?"

"Ah.. I see." She frowned. "Thank you."

He shrugged before walking away from her in the other direction.

The girl looked after him, still confused by his actions. "Hey!"

He paused and turned back to look at her, a bored look on his face.

"What's your name? I'm Ace." She asked.

He turned back, shrugging as he walked away.

Well then..


Is this it? She thought as she stared at the closed door.

Room 213

It must be.

Clutching the schedule in her hands, she opened the door to the classroom.

It was rather loud in the classroom- students were sitting on desks and chatting with their friends. Papers laid all over the desks in a messy fashion.

What is this class, anyway?

Ace looked down at her schedule, locating the class.

1st Period- Study Hall- Mrs. Lam- Room 213

Study Hall? Isn't this supposed to be a quiet class then? She glanced around. Well, I suppose it's because the teacher hasn't addressed the class yet.

The female stepped into the classroom, allowing the door to click shut. Searching for the teacher, she spotted the pretty young woman sitting by her desk, typing away on her laptop. Approaching the woman, Ace smiled as she looked up.

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