I frown and head to my room and resume my music.

Emily POV.

"That was weird." My dad says.

I nod and grab a sandwich. I take a bite and feed some to Hannah. "I'm gonna take a shower."

Dad nods. "I'm going to go shopping for food and dog food. Maybe tomorrow we will go get another dog?" I nod excitedly.

Dad already showered do he grabbed his keys and heads out to the car.

I made sure Hannah had some water and I gave her the last of my sandwich. I made my way to my bathroom and turned on the shower and hopped in when it was warm enough.

When I got out, dad was putting away the food. I helped by putting away frozen foods and foods that go in cabinets. The kitchen already has plates, cups, silverware, pots, pans, and what ever else you need.

"Did we bring my instruments?"

My dad nods. "Yeah. I think they are in the spare room."

I nod and grab the bag of grapes. "What are we going to do about schooling? I also studied the book for my liscense. And what are you doing for a job?"

"Tomorrow, I am transferring you to one of those schools for teenage prodigeys. And Saturday, I will take you to get your permit and I am opening up another coffee shoppe. I'm thinking if naming it Emily's."


Dad nods and I hug him. I head up to the spare room and find my sax, flute, piano, and piccolo. I put them in my room and head down to find my dad watching TV.

"Dad, can I learn a new instrument? I was thinking Oboe or Clarinet. Maybe trumpet."

"Sure. Why not?"

I hear my phone ringing and I run to my room. Its my brother, Collyns. "Hi, Collyns!"

"Hey, Em. I heard. How are you?"

I frown. "I'm doing good. How did you get my number?"


"I'm referring her to as Jane now."

"Okay. So I'm in Cali now. Near where you live. Since we both have now gone through the same thing, we should go get some sushi."

"Yes! Sushi!"

Collyns chuckles. "I'll be there in ten." And he's gone.

Jumping off my bed, I find my clothes. I pick out shorts and an old shirt of Niall's that says 'Luck Of The Irish' with his face on it. I pull that on and my black vans. Grabbing my phone and small shoulder bag, I head downstairs.

"Collyns is coming to take me out for sushi." I inform dad as I open the front door.

Dad nods. "Okay. Be safe."

Collyns pulls up and honks. I say goodbye and run out to him after shutting the door and locking it. "Ready?" Collyns asks.

"Ready as I'll ever be. Just please don't mention Jane."


The car ride wasn't too long. We listened to the radio and just chatted about things. Times with my brother is special. He travels all over the world and does productions for concerts. He does lighting for them but its still cool. He did a Justin Bieber concert once.

We parked in an empty parking spot and walled the last two blocks to the sushi place. Paps found me and started following me.

"Hey, Emily. Are you cheating on Niall?"

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