Chapter 1 • Reopening Old Wounds

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"Hey, Alice?" I called for my best friend. "Do you think this'll suit me?"

Seconds later, she popped her head in. Her eyes narrowed as she gave me a rundown, before her gaze snapped back to me. She smiled brightly. "Girl, you look fierce. Kil's going to be floored when he sees you."

I glared at her. "Alice." She grinned her best shit-eating grin and saluted me before leaving. Sighing, I returned to observing myself in front of the mirror. The dress I picked for myself was a simple robin blue mini dress with a silk white ribbon tied around the waist, ending with a huge bow tied at my back, which brought to mind an image of a walking Tiffany blue box.

It wasn't my favorite choice, but was the only thing that fit me right now. Y'know, being on that day and all. Of all days, Kil's birthday had to fall on the one time I felt like a walking balloon. Worse, I had to walk. All the way from here to his house, which was like, 30 blocks away.

I sighed, twirling again to watch the hem of the dress fan out. It was kinda fun, I'd admit. I could stay here all day and play dress up, reliving my childhood. But time was running out and I was sure if I got out of the store later than closing time again, the manager would kick me out.

So I wiggled out of my Tiffany mini dress, put on my clothes and exited the changing room. Alice was waiting outside, a bag on her hand. I quickly got to the cashier, apologized a few times, and asked for a handbag to put my dress in.

A few seconds later, the cashier gave me a bag, I said good-bye and ran off to join Alice. She was tapping her fingers, a habit whenever she's bored or in deep thoughts. When she saw me coming, she smirked a little.

"Hey," I said, sounding breathless. "How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough." She jerked her chin at me. "What took you so long?"

"Getting the damn thing off."

She tilted her head. "You didn't rip it, did you? These are Givenchy's." To emphasize, she pointed at the logo on her bag.

I rolled my eyes. "As if I didn't know. Let's go. Kil doesn't like to be kept waiting."

As we headed downstairs towards the garage, I heard Alice said, "But Katherine. A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to."

"You're such a goddamn nerd."

She tossed her blonde hair back and laughed. "You know you love it."


The walk from the shopping mall to Kil's house took forever. My feet were practically burning by the time we got to his porch. Alice, borned a hiker and an outdoorsman, looked perfectly fine and happy about walking more than a mile.

"Why couldn't we just hail a cab?" I asked, nearly slumping onto the front steps. Alice held out her hand, which I took, and pulled me to my feet.

"Because you're the one who said exercising is good, plus we didn't bring any cash," she said in her guest lecturer voice. I groaned, pressing the doorbell button.

"Next time, punch me in the face if I suggest that again."

She laughed. "Duly noted."

The door swung open after a beat, and out stepped. . . some guy I had no idea who he was. I pushed down a thread of disappointment when it wasn't Kil.

"Hi." He sounded cheerful and overly optimistic. Like someone spoon fed him rainbows every single day. "Who're you guys?"

Who're you guys? Seriously?
Alice must've saw my face and jumped in before I could open my mouth. "We're, uh, we're Killian's friends. Y'know, birthday boy? Gave us these."

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