"I heard during your assessment you blew right through Gai. What'd you do?" a guy with reddish-brown hair asked interestedly as he walked over. "I'm Kenji, by the way."

"Whisper. Um... Gerilynn kinda... knocked me out... I got a concussion and when Gia healed it, it really hurt, and I wasn't completely healed and a bit... out of control... Gerilynn went to finish it, but... I ran away. She followed me, and when I turned and headed for the trees, Caterpillar Man over there popped up, ryhmed, and scared me... so I .... Punched him really hard in the throat..." I was blushing a bit now.

"Caterpillar Man?" he wheezed, laughing hysterically. "Oh my gosh... I'm definitely stealing that one."

I turned to Kakashi, seeing that he was quite amused as well.

"It was a memorable shot," he commented, watching the others laugh around me.

"It was instinct..." I mumbled, my face going a shade darker.

"Don't be embarassed," Irishi said.

"Yeah, he's had that one coming for a while now," Kakashi agreed,slinging an arm over my shoulder, Gerilynn and Kenji nodding.

I rolled my eyes, "It's not that, I'm not usually 'in the spotlight'."

"You're shy!" Akina grinned, pinching my cheek.

"Ack! Where did you come from?" I questioned, swatting her hand away.

"My parents. Why?" she queried, an innocent expression on her face.

"...Uh. Nevermind." I gave her a strange look.

"...Shane told me you purr...." Gerilynn commented, and evil glint in her eye.


"So does my big brother. He's a bit...catty sometimes," she remarked, the others chuckling at her comment.

"Hm..." I heard Kakashi humm quietly.

"Don't. You. Dare," I warned him narrowing my eyes.

"Dare to what?" he asked innocently, his hand moving to my ears stealthily.

"You know what," I glared at him.

"Afraid you'll have to enlighten me," he said, starting to scratch just behind my ears gently.

"NO! Stopurrrrrrrrrrr!" I cried, but fell into purring.

"Aw, she's cute," Gerilynn said.

"Yeah. She's a lot more high pitched than lion-boy over there," Akina pointed out, reaching over and scratching my other ear.

"Noooooo..purrrrrrrrrr..." I grumbled, unable to stop the purring.

"Hey, don't worry. We don't make fun of people who make weird noises, do we, Cap'?" Irishi put in, throwing Gerilynn a sly glance.

She bared her teeth at him. "Don't go there."

"But it's fun to go there," he teased.

"I'm warning you right now; you go there, and I'll demote you to potato peeling." Her voice was dead serious as she stared him down.

"Fine, fine... Even though I don't think you would. Where would you be without me?" he answered, resting his chin on her shoulder.

She looked mildly startled, but pleased.


"Stopuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!" I whined/purred.

"No, you're too cute!" Akina exclaimed.

He saved me (A Kakashi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now