As soon as we stepped out of the cab everyone started cheering.

“Why are they cheering?” Dabi asked, confused.

“I have no idea.” I whispered.

“Just play along. Maybe they think we're someone famous!” Violet and Crystal whispered.

“por lo que puede parecer.” Zoro whispered.

“What's that mean?” Blizzy asked.

“So it may seem.” She replied.

“Oh.” Everyone said and suddenly got quiet.

“¿Qué estás haciendo?” Zoro asked.


“What are you doing?” She said, in english this time.

“Everyone stopped talking and started whispering.” Dabi explained.

“¿por qué?---- ermm… I mean--- why?” Zoro asked.

“Okay, how much spanish do you know?” Crystal asked.

“Not much. Just the basic.” Zoro said with a shrug.

“It’s confusing. Please stop.” Violet complained, “It’s making my brain burn.” She said and held up her phone.

“Fine, fine. But don't judge me if I suddenly start speaking spanish, ¿bueno?--- okay?” She said, then corrected herself when she spoke spanish again.

“Fine.” Dabi, Blizzy, Crystal, and Violet said.

“I like how I’m the silent one here.” A voice said and made us jump.

We turned around to see Azura standing behind us.

“¡Lo siento mucho! ¡Olvidé que estabas con nosotros!” Zoro said then corrected herself, “I’m so sorry! I forgot you were with us!”

“It's fine. Besides, I like spanish. It's cool.” Azura said and laughed.

“At least someone here appreciates it!” Zoro huffed.

“We should get inside.” Azura prompted and gestured towards the school.

“She's right. We should go in.” I said and we headed inside.

We went our separate ways and headed to our classes to see if everything was back to normal.

(Zoro’s POV)

I headed down the hall to my class.


“Buenos Dias!” I said as I walked into class.

My teacher returned the greeting as I went to my desk and started practicing my spanish.

“Hola, adiós, gracias, buenos días, que tengas un gran día,” I said then repeated it in english, “Hello, goodbye, thank you, good morning, have a great day.”

“Clase de atención!” My teacher said, “Comience con sus proyectos con un socio.”

Translation: Attention class! Get started on your project with a partner.

I looked around for a partner when the door opened.

“Hola!” A familiar voice called out, “¡Estoy en tu clase ahora!”

Translation: Hello! I’m in your class now!

Thankfully, Azura and I are in the same class as now.

“You can work with Senorita Zoro.” My teacher said in english.

“Gracias!” I called out as Azura walked over to me.

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