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It was easy really. It wasn't as if they were trying to infiltrate a military base- though she knew she'd be able to do it with ease. Hacking into Hydra's files were much easier than anticipated, which meant that there was only two reasons as to why. Number 1 which would be that they were just really stupid and didn't know a lick about the technology, The second being that it was done purposely to access their location. Which was funny really, if they seriously thought she'd hack into their files in the Howlies base they really must think low of her and her abilities, what a pity.

Now she wasn't stupid, and having Steve at her side during this made things much easier. It made her less likely to get distracted or spied on. Though it seemed recently he had been acting different, more out of it than he use to be, it was concerning really.... not knowing what was going on in his head was one thing, usually Steve was pretty expressive outside of his episodes, but it seemed he was still zoned out, even after an entire 24 hours. Her eyes easily slide across the screen as she took pictures of the writing and plans on her own phone- if she sent them to herself or any of the Howlies she'd be considered a dead man, or woman really, running.

  When Steve tensed up again she looked over at him and sat up straighter " Steve?" she whispers noticing the way his arm muscles tensed up and how his eyes were tracking something- someone. The blonde simply stood still as his eyes trailed over the two members of Hydra gesturing with a slight movement of his head, that's when she noticed it also - how stupid could someone be to wear their sign on an article of clothing?  They had to be either incredibly stupid, or were doing this on purpose.

A hum left her lips " Steve" she voiced simply as she logged off and stood. Placing a hand on his bicep with a small frown at the lack of reply she received. " Steve" she repeated and slid her arm through the gap of his and linked their arms together before pulling, noticing how he almost instantly snapped out of the daze he must've been in. " Cap" she spoke quietly as they left the library and walked into the street " you're doing the thing again" she put simply and pursed her lips as she side eyed him curiously, Steve worked in weird and strange ways, just snapping in and out of different mindsets without so much as a noticeable trigger. He's truly a piece of work.

" We should watch them" she murmurs and began to walk out of the library with him, " do you still have your knife?" waiting until she got a nod, Steve tended to get  silent when he was keeping an eye on the target. " lets get over with this" she grinned. The excitement traveled through her in waves, she couldn't remember the last time they'd actually seen people of Hydra in the flesh on the street without them planning a fight or being attacked.

Her head turned as Steve began to talk, his voice was low and gravely "  We should stick to the crowd and find out what alley they go down, i want to to take one back to base-" he licked at his bottom lip eyes glinting beneath his cap as his lips curled up into a crude smile, no doubt he was excited at the thought  of having someone to torture and a link to Hydra in the Howlies base. It would cause a ruckus surely, but that's what they needed, the members looked young and would surely break within pressure and the idea of what Steve and the others could do to them. " only one?" she asked curiously, tipping her head to the side with a soft laugh " planning on leaving a masterpiece in the alley?" she snorted slightly knowing that the blonde's bloodlust was higher than any of the Howlies because of his past with them.

" i plan to do more than some art " the male had growled out lowly and it made her hum along, she'd gladly watch Steve in action any day, it made her smile as she walked through the crowded street alongside him. " Hey turn on your communicator we can listen in to them" she murmurs as she presses on the small device behind her ear, picking up the quiet conversations around them both and watched at Cap listened to the order with ease. It was unusual to see him so compliant and not rushing into action, but they were in a public area surrounded by normal people.

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