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A piercing scream filled the air before it fell short to gurgling as the woman began to choke and whine, tears mixing with the blood that painted her face,the woman's body falling back as the blade sliced through skin and muscle,leaving her squirming and choking as the air was taken from her, however she went quickly- how disappointing.... he found himself tsk'ing but there was no point in delaying and keeping her alive,after all she was only a waste of space and time, he had other jobs to do that didn't involve playing around with a girl off the corner. 

Warm blood splattered the man's emotionless face and hair as it began to squirt and gush from her throat, staining the blonde strands a deep red as it began to bleed through the blonde locks it touched, flowing down to his face and spreading through his hair. He watched as it happened, thick fingers twirling around his knife, his favourite- he'd called her as a wide grin crossed his  defined face, a pierced tongue slipping out to catch the few droplets that dripped onto his curled lips.

"hmm...what a shame" he murmured as his piercing gaze strayed over her form, " you really  could've been useful. Too bad you're too busy selling yourself out on the street, filling our streets with your filth" he spoke coldly as he sweetly brought his knife down, caressing her cheek before a low chuckle left him, smirk widening as he easily felt around the slice.

The blood was still warn, coating his fingers as it left the woman's body, " a good for nothing slut" he began as he sank his fingers into the gaping wound, taking immense pleasure in the squelch it made. " a slut who didn't even realise she let someone like me into your home" he chuckles as he felt around the wound, pressing his fingers deeper into the slowly forming cavern before he slowly withdrew the soaked fingers, bringing them to his lips to drag his tongue across them " what a waste" he sighs out as he lent forwards over her, wiping his fingers across the pale skin before beginning to draw.

You see, he wasn't a normal killer, it wasn't for fun, or a sport, it's his job. Besides it? he draws. Swirling his fingers across the woman's belly in a pattern, eyes wondering the blank canvas he had before him. It was a shame he couldn't have more fun with her, but he didn't have time time. Usually he'd be able to have more scratches and bruises- but a blank canvas was something he hadn't been able to have in a long time, it brought a bigger grin to his lips as he traced over her rib cage muttering " oh what a waste indeed, it would've been so pretty" before he brought the knife down upon her skin, delicately creating lines and shapes in the skin. It was easier when she wasn't moving- but where was thee fun in having no fight? not hearing any screams? oh well.

He finished his painting with practised ease, the symbol.Their symbol. THE HOWLIES symbol. it brought another grin to his lips as he brought out his phone to take a picture of his art, it was what he was known for these days- not just a killer, not just a murderer or  wanted person. A creative artist, the murderer with finesse, an artist with a knife. It's always been this way since he can remember,  him and the Howlies against the world, clearing and cleaning the streets of the filth, and most importantly HYDRA. 

The plan had been easy enough, he'd been seeing her on the corner and watching how she moved and what she seemed to like, stalking as one would say. It had been easy to figure out where she lived, what kind of guys she went for, her close friends and even what drink she preferred in the close bar. 

He had gotten out of his car, dressed in black and blue and red, a sinful array of colours on the clothes that hugged his figure.The shirt was tight- he blamed  Peggy for that, or as she's known as ' the widower'. She always got him smaller clothes to show off his muscles and obvious strength that he had.It hugged his sizes and made his biceps bulge slightly, almost ripping the fabric,whilst showing everything, the way his pectorals were pressed slightly together, to the way his abs were pressed against the tight fabric, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination.

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