Chapter 15

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(Ch 14 cont.)

Lexa and Clarke spend the next day or so discussing what they want. The first conclusion they come to is that neither of them want to wait too long before having kids, and the second is that they're thinking they want to adopt their first kid and go from there. They have also agreed to table the idea of pregnancy for a little bit, both of them deciding they want to adopt first.

When it's time for their weekly dinner with Raven and Octavia, they head over to their house. Kern is the one who answers the door after a short pause, which they've come to expect. Kern is Raven's apprentice and after a few years working with her, they've become close friends. Raven's joked on more than one occasion that they're basically her sibling now. One time when Abby came to visit, Raven had introduced them as Abby's third child, alongside Clarke and herself.

"Hey Kern, it's good to see you! How has work been?" Clarke asks as she and Lexa step inside the house.

"Pretty good. It's getting to that time of year when we're pretty busy, but I enjoy it." They shrug, smiling.

"Don't bore them with shop talk." Raven says as she emerges from a nearby hallway, closely followed by her wife. "Hey love nerds, how has it been going?"

"Good," Lexa answers.

Raven ruffles Kern's hair when she reaches them. "You're done for the day, right?"

"Sha kapa (yes sir)." They had begun calling her sir as a joke, but it quickly caught on.

"You're free to go, then. Family dinner in two days when Abby comes?" She asks them.

"I would not miss it for the world." With that, Kern grins at Lexa and Clarke and then heads out the door.

"Come on in, Octavia and Kern kicked me out of the kitchen again so I think it's ready? But I'm not sure." Raven says, leading them to the dining room near the kitchen.

"I wouldn't have to kick you out if you didn't try to eat everything in your path," Octavia points out, both amused and slightly exasperated.

"I was making sure it was good!"

"It's hard to eat dinner when my wife already ate it all when we were supposed to be making it."

Raven just grins at her wife and then gestures for Lexa and Clarke to sit down while she and Octavia head to the kitchen to bring in the food. After a few years of these dinners, Lexa and Clarke have gotten used to acquiescing. They sit down next to each other and Clarke squeezes Lexa's hand gently, giving her what she hopes is a comforting look.

"Oh no." Octavia says, pausing briefly at the entrance to the dining room with a tray of chicken in her hands. She sets it down, looking at them worriedly as Raven sets down a bowl of vegetables. "I know that look. That's an 'I need to talk to Raven and Octavia and I don't know how they'll respond' look. Is there some kind of new threat?"

"No, nothing like that." Lexa rushes to get out. "It is nothing bad. We have..." Lexa glances over to Clarke, who nods encouragingly. "We can talk and eat, yes?"

"Not like Raven does, I don't want half-eaten food dropping out of mouths again." Octavia says as she heads back to the kitchen to grab the rest of the food and drinks.

Raven voices her protests while she follows her. They come back a moment later and hand out everything. The four women put their food onto their plates and begin eating, Octavia and Raven waiting for a bit so that Lexa has time to eat before gesturing to her to continue.

Lexa swallows the bite of chicken she was eating and squeezes Clarke's hand, glad not for the first time that they don't have to let go of each other in order to eat.

"We have been talking about adoption." Lexa says.

Raven immediately perks up, her eyes sparkling. "Are you saying that we could have kids at the same time?"

"We could, yes. Have you thought about which orphanage you would like to go to?" Lexa asks.

"We were thinking probably the Polis one." Octavia shrugs. "We just haven't made time to head over there. Do you think we should go together sometime?"

Clarke glances at Lexa, making eye contact briefly before looking back at their friends. "Yeah, that sounds good. When?"

"A month, maybe? Give us time to stew, think about what we want. Make sure we're certain."

Lexa and Clarke nod in agreement. "Sounds good."

After dinner is cleaned up, they sit in Raven and Octavia's living room.

"Are you guys thinking of just adopting or maybe getting pregnant too?" Raven asks from where she's on the couch, her arm draped over Octavia's shoulder.

"We've been thinking of doing both, but adopting first." Clarke explains.

"Sounds fair. We've been thinking of doing the same thing."

"Babe, I do have one concern about that that I just thought of," Raven says. "That means all those pregnancy cravings and stuff, the mood swings and the soreness, we would have to figure out how to do with kids already."

Clarke and Lexa glance at each other, grimacing at the thought. It sounds like added stress, which isn't great for the baby. Or Clarke.

"Hey! Idea! We could essentially do a baby coin toss!" Raven perks up.

"Somehow I doubt flipping a baby for heads or tails isn't deemed ethical in most places," Octavia says.

"That's not why I meant and you know it." Raven slaps Octavia's arm. "Anyone who is cool with getting pregnant does that artificial... Artificial embalmination?"

"Embalming is a little bit different than insemination," Clarke says, failing to keep the laughter from escaping her.

"You know what I meant. What I mean is whoever's cool with getting pregnant does that," she gestures to Clarke. "And if they're pregnant, cool! If not, they can try adoption first."

Lexa shakes her head fondly, a smile playing on her lips. "A baby coin toss."

"A baby coin toss!" Raven says, sounding proud of her idea.

So I was going to go with adopting first and then this happened? So this'll be fun, and I promise that I'll show Lexa fretting over a pregnant Clarke :) This will skip around a bit because it could be an entire book of them being pregnant and having kids... Thank you all for reading and for your amazing comments! Stay awesome!

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