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(( A/N: Dedication goes to larryshippaxo for being the first winning comment for the contest.  Congradulations, girly.  You deserve it.  Check her out and fan her, guys <3<3<3 xox. ))

Chapter Sixteen ➣➣ Larry

(( Harry's Point of View ))
I paced around in the hospital waiting room, my gate never faultering as I awaited for the news on my best friend.  I'd just texted Niall, but he hadn't responded yet.  I assumed he was either rushing down here right away, or slept through the text - considering the time.  Glancing around the waiting room, I saw that there was pretty much no one here.  An older man, a middle-aged woman with her child... that was pretty much it.  They weren't paying much attention to me, either.  Too busy wrapped up in their own family drama, I suppose.  Finally, after another ten minutes of pacing back-and-forth, I collapsed onto a chair and buried my face into my hands.  This was all my fault.  If I had of just kept him home safe, then this wouldn't of happened.  Now my Boo Bear was hurt and I couldn't help but feel guilty and sick to my stomach.

"Mr. Styles?"  I swung my body around at the sound of my name being called, coming face-to-face with a fit-looking nurse.  I hardly gave her a second glance, however.

"That's me.  How is Louis?  Will he be okay?  What happened?"  I shot her with questions, stepping closer to her.

"Erm... Mr. Tomlinson will be okay.  He had a minor concussion from where he was beaten around the skull, but he should be okay.  As for what happened..."  Her voice trailed off and she stared sympathetically into my greeen eyes.  "I'm not allowed to tell you.  Mr. Tomlinson went through a terrifying experiance, however, so I think it would be a good idea if you stayed with him as much as possible and keep an eye on him."

"Is he awake?  Can I ask him what happened?"  I demanded, puffing out my chest and staring past her in the direction the nurse came.

"Yes.  Room 321."  She mumbled.  I shot past her, glancing at the numbers on the hospital doors.  289.. 291... I counted down to myself under my breath until I reached 321.  I twisted the doorknob and the door flew open.  Staring at the hospital bed, I locked eyes with the same boy whom I'd known for years.

"Boo..."  I whimpered, striding forth to pull his feathery brown hair away from his icy-blue eyes.  He just stared at me with wide eyes, not moving or speaking.  Eventually, I grew quite uncomfortable with his staring and cleared my throat awkwardly.  Louis seemed to shake himself out of his state and blinked a few times before speaking.

"H-Haz... I-I..."  His voice was hoarse, making me cringe slightly.

"Shh, babe.  You need to rest.  You can tell me what happened whenever you're ready."  I cooed.  He nodded, closing his eyes tightly.  I sighed, then slipped into the bed next to him; hoping not to be rejected.  Louis' eyes shot open and he shrunk away from me.  Extending an arm out, I brushed my fingertips along his arm and sighed.  This wasn't good.  "C'mon, Boo Bear.  It's me.  I'm not going to hurt you."  I murmured in his hear huskily.  My best friend seemed to hesitantly begin to relax under my touch, and eventually he was buried in my chest.

After a few minutes, I assumed that Louis was asleep and sighed heavily.  I didn't make any attempt to move, and instead I continued to play with his hair carefully.  The light-brown wisps of his hair were tangled in my fingers now, and I twirled them mindlessly as I thought.  Louis had bruises all over his body and I would be utterly shocked if he hadn't broken anything, but she had said she was unable to tell me what happened.  Why, though?  I narrowed my eyes, twisting my face up into a confused expression.  Honestly, I wasn't sure if I would be able to wait for Louis to wake up for him to tell me what had happened to him.  And what if he didn't?  What would I do then?

Don't be stupid, Harry.  He's your best friend.  He tells you everything.

I sighed, nuzzling my nose into the crook of Boo's neck.  Until then, I hadn't noticed that his breathing was uneven and ragged.  Pulling back, I saw that his eyes were open and he was staring at me with a blank expression plastered upon his face.  I glanced down at our hands, licking my lips as I wondered briefly what he was thinking.

"Hazza, I know you won't be able to rest until I tell you what happened to me.  Sit up, then.  C'mon."  Louis ordered.  I obliged eagerly, sitting up and resting against the metal headboard.  He curled up against my chest, though I noticed he still hadn't moved his one leg.  Was it broken?  I frowned deeply, staring at his far left leg intensly.  Louis must've noticed my staring because he ran his thumb along my cheek, "It's not broken.  It's just fractured."  I nodded, tipping my head to the side before deciding to speak up.

"Tell me what happened.  From the beginning; right after you left the flat."  I murmured.  Louis nodded, swallowing before beginning his story.

"When I first left the flat, I ran.  I don't really know where, but I ran until I broke down.  As I was crying my eyes out, these four guys approached me.  They started calling me disgusting, a faggot, and then they were hitting me... they hurt me, Haz.  I was calling out your name, b-but you didn't..."  Louis' eyes were quickly filling with tears.  I wrapped my arms around him, my own eyes prickling with the familiar lump in my throat that I forced back.  After a few minutes, the older boy continued, "T-they continued to hit me, and then one of them flipped me onto my stomach.  He hit my head into the pavement and then h-he..."  His voice trailed off again as he choked back a sob.  I rocked him back and forth, shaking my head as my tears streamed down my cheeks.

"Shh... it's okay, Boo.  It's okay.  I'm here now, nothing care hurt you anymore.  I won't hurt you.  Everything's going to be okay."  I murmured in his hear, keeping my grip on his torso.  Eventually, Louis choked out the final words that made my heart break and my blood boil in disgust.

"They raped me, Haz.  Then they spat on my face and ran.  That's all I remember until you came.  I-I'm disgusting, Harry.  I don't even understand why you're here with me right now.  You should be disgusted and repulsed by me."  Louis' was shouting now, and his heartrace was increasing rapidly.  I lifted my hand, attempting to cover his mouth and get him to stop ranting about how he didn't deserve me.  When he slapped my hand away and continued shouting, fury flooded in my veins.  How dare he tell me that he didn't deserve me.  My Boo Bear did deserve me.  He always would, and he always will.  I creased my eyebrows into a frown, furrowing them deeply.

And I kissed him.

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