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I was walking out the door to school and my stomach was hurting like crazie I had terrible butterflies, we sat in school all day I till last period that's when the got terrible I told cass to come with me to the bathroom I wuz so nervous panicking and frekaing out an I made sure I had my ring on to pretect me from the sun and I headed to cheer practice with cass as we saw lane and Cody talking at football practice!! I told cass them too are just alike alway laughing!! We stared or practing our new reutine for the last game and it was difficult we finally got it!! we always get it cause we don't get tired duh! were vampires when practice wUz over I walked over their and he wasn't even their which made it worse..

I fell in love with a humanМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя