Get Your Head In The Game

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"Too. Lazy. To. Move." Ali grumbled, slumping back down.

"Come on, Ali" Seli pleaded.

"Ali is dead, he's raving with those dead people from The Corpse Bride"

He heard Raib laugh, has her laugh always been this pretty? Like the sound of wind chimes catching a light breeze on a lazy afternoon- and she threw a rolled up piece of paper at him.

"Get off your butt, lazy-ass" she teased, he looked up at her lazily, "I thought you love eating" she grinned.

"Not really-", his stomach grumbled, why must his body betray his words. The two girls giggled and pulled him out of his seat.

She's touching my arm, this is the second time he's panicking internally, and both of them were caused by Raib, and it's still early in the morning. She let go of his arm eventually, so at least his state of mind is back to normal now.

"Come on, it's my treat today" Seli lead them in front energetically.

It's going to be a long day, he sighed, falling behind.


He spent the rest of the day feeling distracted. His eyes would trail elsewhere from the teacher, like it usually does, but this time to a certain direction, the direction where a long haired, tan-toned, girl was sitting. Once he realizes what he was doing he'd snap out of it, but this would continue on the whole period. What he doesn't know is that he does this way before he realized the feelings as well.

The teasing would increase throughout the day. It was weird how much he finds her annoyed face amusing. When she wrinkled her nose, furrowed her brows, rolled her eyes, and the prideful smile plastered on her face when she delivers a good comeback. Were all her smiles have been different this whole time? He never knew. And he stared, which he snapped out of when she looks back at him. Were her eyes always that shiny? The color of black, like the void which are galaxies above, home for planets and stars, all in a persons eyes? Wild.

He still hasn't grasped the idea on what's happening to him. Is this feeling just admiration or a legitimate crush? And why are her eyes so goddamn pretty?

The only thing keeping him sane right now is probably the too-easy test in front of him that he won't even bother to answer properly.


School's over, but he still had things to do. His team called for him and stopped his trance, he ran towards them. He still had basketball practice. Even though he was a tad bit lazy to do so, he promised them he'd be there. And plus, his fans are expecting him. He nodded at the group of girls waving at him and the team as the others laughed and waved back. His eyes spot a familiar face, Seli on the bleachers, giving him a thumbs up. He grinned at her, ignoring the absence of a certain someone.

"Ready Ali?" one of his teammates shouted with the ball in his hands.

He diverted his grin to his teammate, "I was born ready".

And they started playing. He could hear cheers from the girls in the bleachers and the sound of their shoes against the concrete beneath him. He was quick and agile, different from the odd boy a year ago. He scored, they cheered, and some laughed as a teammate gave him a highfive.

The myth is proven to be true, if you're good and you're a part of the team, you're automatically cool and popular, he thought, looking at the girls, including Seli, who were cheering for them. But then why does he feel unsatisfied?

b r e a k t h r o u g hOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora